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Suggestion Nerf pearl bomb


Well-Known Member
Damage was nerfed but the damage of a single pearl bomb isn’t the issue it’s the damage of 2 stacking so It needs to be lowered again, I highly motivate lemonade to not say “cope cope cope” cuz we were coping when they abused it on us


Active Member
-1 Only way to win crazy outnumbered fights, if this is implemented Loka will become a server where if you dont have numbers you simply cannot win any fights


Well-Known Member
they should just make it that both sides take damaage it would make more sense
That just kills the idea of attacker modules, they definitely shouldn't be that way too. It's pretty OP stacked up really


Active Member
That just kills the idea of attacker modules, they definitely shouldn't be that way too. It's pretty OP stacked up really
if both sides take damage it would just be more fair, like u see in the fight 13 ppl died to one endermite and it was only from one team


lots of honor and humility for someone in lemonade to post this so u gain my respect!
also yea reduce the damage. Mr. Criptight ur shooting urself in the foot by keeping this boring module in the game. it makes recruits go what the sigma is going on this server and they typically restrain from warping again to the fight.


I agree with Tangy and 3d3r

Personally I think the knockback is ridiculous and it should not be allowed to spawn near tgens or inhibs



+1 Do not believe this is the right way to do it but I feel the same as daqniel. The only way to make it balanced is make both sides take damage from it (maybe make attackers take slightly less damage if that's possible?). But the way it is right now is just unfair and makes people lose equal number fights if they're defending and all around takes the fun out of fights.