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Nerf TnT Towers


Active Member
First off, not here to complain about these, I think these are genuinely not fair. My computer goes from 300 fps, to 1 fps when these towers fire. This alone ruins any attempt at pvp. While your fps is dropped, all the tnt hits you at once because you can't move and it sends you over 150 blocks into the air, not a fall anyone can survive. These towers honestly ruin the fun of fighting tgens because you can't do anything to beat them, you die no matter what.
First off, not here to complain about these, I think these are genuinely not fair. My computer goes from 300 fps, to 1 fps when these towers fire. This alone ruins any attempt at pvp. While your fps is dropped, all the tnt hits you at once because you can't move and it sends you over 150 blocks into the air, not a fall anyone can survive. These towers honestly ruin the fun of fighting tgens because you can't do anything to beat them, you die no matter what.

You're probably one of the first people to truly fight a tgen with an attack tower. Virtually nobody else has so we haven't had any feedback about them until now, so we'll take a look at them.

That said, my guess about the FPS drop is the particles it spawns. Do you historically have problems with heavy particle fx?
There is 0 counter play to these with the fps drop. I never get fps lag, my computer is pretty good and doesn't have issues with running any game at the highest quality.Not sure what the deal is though because I can't really see with 1 frame, could be particles but I don't normally have problems with those. All I know is that I see them fire, I drop all my frames, next thing I know I'm 150 blocks up in the air and I die instantly with no chance of survival.Yes fighting solo against a tgen that has 2 attack towers should be hard, but there is virtually nothing I could have done to take that tgen out.
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Yep there's something very very wrong with those towers. Destroyed my fps and then me.
This should now be fixed. Coupled with another identification of lag (which'll be fixed tomorrow), it should be much smoother
I've been wondering if one should wear one piece of armor with max blast protection to take down tnt-tower defended t-gens. Would that be effective?