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Suggestion Nerf to Bow Boosting


Well-Known Member
In conquest fights the bow boosting epidemic has taken over and I think its really stupid and should be nerfed. For one it takes the place over enderpearls in most instances as you can just freely boost yourself after an opponent or away from a crit chain. Bow boosting also prevents people from repotting in fights as you can cover an insane amount of tiles faster than if you were to even enderpearl in most cases. This seems like to much of a reward/buff than the risk it should be as you throw yourself freely at people in most cases.

Some solutions I thought of:

1) Bow boosting yourself could do a heavy amount of durability loss to your armor (I can currently bow boost as many times as I want and not worry about my durability in most fights which is dumb.)

2)Bow boosting yourself will deal some damage to the player maybe 2-3 hearts or something else.

3)Somehow create a cool down for bow boosting so people can't just infinity boost away.

I also personally think that bow boosting is ping related as I have gone from an environment to where I used to average 40-60ms and can now bow boost at will with 10ms. I'd be interested to hear what our laggers on the server (Qfu & busco) feel about how they can bow boost compared to the rest of the server.

Lets also keep in mind that mojang designed the bow for shooting other players, I doubt they ever intended it to be able to shoot yourself and be fine.
Simple. 3 steps
Step 1: Update to 1.14.4
Step 2: Remove bow ez
Step 3: Use crossbow!! Cool down, stronger so it hurts, ez pz Lemon Squeezy.

I get the same ping as my brother Mario (5ms) and bow boosting is eh. In 1.12 it was way easier and in 1.13 it's harder, but it has gotten easier. I like the dmg idea, but how would this work? If it does more dmg would it do more damage if I hit someone like an enemy with it or just when hitting myself? Good stuff anyways +1