So lately from what I understand they've buffed up the amount of mobs at the resource islands
by a lot
Why they did this I'm not too sure, but I think the amount of mobs there needs to be nerfed. I think it just makes it even harder for new players to start out, and some could argue that with the right gear someone could easily have no problems at the RIs, but even myself who hits the RI daily with a full prot 4 set can still manage to come close to death on many occasions from the huge amount of mobs there now.
I think one of the reasons they buffed up the amount of mobs was to make it harder for people to just swoop in and take 3 hours worth of ores from an island, but from what I'm saying the people who grind there daily are still going to be able to do this without problem, whereas it makes it nearly impossible for someone starting out to do this, which would easily discourage someone from continuing playing on the server if they can't even mine without 10 vexes swooping in to kill them, mixed in with the danger of lava, mixed in with the danger of another player killing them.
I agree that making the RIs hard is important and needed, but I think the mob spawning in the past was fine, and the new buff just makes it nearly impossible for new players to start their wealth on the server. And honestly even if they just removed the Vindicators and Vexes from underground I think it'd be fine, as those are what has been making the RI so dangerous lately.
And before you reply with your thoughts I just want you to think for a second what it would be like to be brand new to a server, have to find the location to an island to mine at, boat to that island with the right coordinates, run on vindicator filled beaches into a cave only to have 10 times as many mobs, flying vexes everywhere, and hop island to island over lava to get resources, then find your way out, run on the same beach, navigate to the docks, then get on the boat all while avoiding being killed by some random player just to get ores. All while having only iron armor, sword, and a bow all unenchanted.
Another argument someone could make is that it's the cost vs the payout, but the RI doesn't become super profitable (for people that contribute to a town daily cost) until they start going their atleast about every 3 days, which not everyone is able to do because of IRL reasons.
I'm pretty sure the amount of mobs is on every island, but I'm not too sure. However I do go to the Garama RI daily and recently noticed just how many vexes there were, as if you'd just look at the cieling you could see a ton.