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Nether continent?


Active Member
If loka does update to 1.16 when it comes out, I think the nether should be updated from just a resource isle to either a conquest isle or a continent. However, because so many current nether resources are essential, owning certain resources can't be the same as it is on regular continents. There would still have to be permanently wilds areas in the nether, where even if some town owned the biome, mobs there would still drop stuff. So that one big fat town doesn't just own the nether, there would have to be a territory limit. Another solution to this would be that all of a town's nether territories have to be connected, limiting them to a certain area.
Even though I said it's worthy of being a regular continent, I still think towns shouldn't be possible there, so it doesn't act as a place to hide from enemies. But with the new blocks, I still want to be able to build in the nether. Also nether ruins sound really nice. So my solution to this is nether colonies. A town could choose one nether territory to upgrade into a nether colony for a daily fee, similar to towns and territories. This colony would be claimed, and people could build here without being greifed. Maybe they could make nether specific industries here to collect more nether resources. If that's too far of a stretch, towns could at least use this as a way of getting into the nether. Nether tgens could have a nether portal frame built in, and when a colony is claimed it could activate. By default it would lead back to the town's portal, but nether portals built in town would lead there.

But of course all this depends on whether loka updates or not.


Well-Known Member
Cool suggestion albeit a little bit hard to follow at points. From what I understand is that you're suggesting the nether if revamped should act like Balak and Rivine in the sense towns are able to conquest for resources.

I like this suggestion, it sounds really neat. However, some minor tidbits I'd like to highlight are:
  • Tile size must be smaller
If you're suggesting one singular continent for the entire server to use then space immediately becomes a factor especially if conquest will be used within the nether. We must consider how big the nether will be; I can't imagine we want it to grow to the size of a regular continent yet it must have enough tiles for towns to reasonably move about.
  • Towns are unlikely to put any effort into creating outposts.
Some towns don't put much effort into their towns on their original town on Loka due to resource constraints or effort required. I can't imagine they would want to start on a second colony.
  • This would be a lot of additional work for the server staff and difficult to organise
The server is large and detailed, Loka staff already have a lot of projects under their belt. This suggestion is a considerable project for them to just pick up from my perspective.
  • It's complicated
Loka is already really, really complicated I fear that this alongside other conquest would alienate new players more.

With all that being said I think this is a interesting suggestion would could be worked into Loka and actually create some interesting gameplay mechanics.


Well-Known Member
TnT Cannons cause people are going to build walls all the way to the ceiling? :) Plus, name one empire that didn't use cannons to get into towns... you can't.


Active Member
Stupid idea.... -1 no one wants to live/use the nether we have already, make it better not make it a conquest island.....


Active Member
Cool suggestion albeit a little bit hard to follow at points. From what I understand is that you're suggesting the nether if revamped should act like Balak and Rivine in the sense towns are able to conquest for resources.

I like this suggestion, it sounds really neat. However, some minor tidbits I'd like to highlight are:
  • Tile size must be smaller
If you're suggesting one singular continent for the entire server to use then space immediately becomes a factor especially if conquest will be used within the nether. We must consider how big the nether will be; I can't imagine we want it to grow to the size of a regular continent yet it must have enough tiles for towns to reasonably move about.
  • Towns are unlikely to put any effort into creating outposts.
Some towns don't put much effort into their towns on their original town on Loka due to resource constraints or effort required. I can't imagine they would want to start on a second colony.
  • This would be a lot of additional work for the server staff and difficult to organise
The server is large and detailed, Loka staff already have a lot of projects under their belt. This suggestion is a considerable project for them to just pick up from my perspective.
  • It's complicated
Loka is already really, really complicated I fear that this alongside other conquest would alienate new players more.

With all that being said I think this is a interesting suggestion would could be worked into Loka and actually create some interesting gameplay mechanics.
I came up with the suggestion under the assumption that loka would revamp the nether to have all the new biomes anyway, and I thought it would be a shame if no building or conquest happened here because the new biomes look so amazing.
But I don't think conquest isle type battles would fit in here, and there would be little motivation to fight because most of the new nether resources are useless. The only thing I see actually being added is the nether portal thing, because then people could go to the nether without being followed or the docks being camped.