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New Book Release Soon!


Well-Known Member
Hello my fellow Lokans! I am Silver911, or as you may know me, Deathbringer_. Anyways, I am releasing a new book here soon. I have been working on it for a couple months now and am trying to perfect it. For a little teaser, it is about a Garaman war story meant to test your personality in thinking who is in the right here, while also feeling bad for the 3 Main protagonists, but keep in mind. From the eyes of ONE protagonist a different protagonist could be the antagonist from that side. I am not sure what to call it yet but be on the lookout. ;)


Well-Known Member
Emperor of Marshnack and his allies Rain Forest and their war against Waeldestone.

Bernumsdale being a trading town.

Switch between 3 main characters from each town, not including Bernumsdale.

A slave to Bernumsdale are Nomadic Raiders who have been caught attacking them.

People in Power:

Marshnack: Emperor Xorum

Rain Forest: Acting King Jambin

Waeldestone: Father Smaelsd

Bernumsdale: Mayor Bernum IV

Main Characters:

Marshnack: Knight Rasperuos

Rain Forest: Acting King Jambin

Waeldestone: Pope Barthemnj

Important Roles/Side Characters:

Bernumsdale: Diplomat Lena

Marshnack: Knight Deion

Rain Forest: Royal Guard Felade

Bernumsdale: Slave Driver Poiluy

Town Beleifs:

Bernumsdale: Trading Town

Marshnack: World Caiptal and Neutral to all but Rain Forest(Ally) and Waeldestone(Hostile)

Rain Forest: Neutral to all but Waeldestone(Hostile) and Marshnack(Ally)

Waeldestone: Religous town, very aggressive to all towns who don’t follow Winfuism

This is all the info I am giving at this point and time.