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New character for the Lore

First it's rude to attempt to force yourself in as a real part of Loka. It's important to remember that you write your own lore not the server's and it really comes down to Crypt's (and maybe mags? prob not lol) choice(s). Second Why would you add the character that you play? I get it maybe you just want to be well known but isn't it more fun to self develop and to make yourself well known by what you contribute as a player, not as an NPC?
just a man trying to give himself a shout, I can respect it bud but it's like how slicer works imo, gotta just fit the criteria and hope you get noticed. It's worth noting that often people who write a lot of lore and are generally associated with the current server lore creators are added in kind of.

This being said there hasn't really be a lore event in ages.
First it's rude to attempt to force yourself in as a real part of Loka. It's important to remember that you write your own lore not the server's and it really comes down to Crypt's (and maybe mags? prob not lol) choice(s). Second Why would you add the character that you play? I get it maybe you just want to be well known but isn't it more fun to self develop and to make yourself well known by what you contribute as a player, not as an NPC?
Ive been literally working on the knife and why are you guys hating on me so much ;-; Why do you think I put this in suggestions
Ive been literally working on the knife and why are you guys hating on me so much ;-; Why do you think I put this in suggestions
Loka isn’t aomething you can really be a character for, Loka has its own agenda and you may fit into that and you may not. No one person can (for lack of better term)”force” themselves into the lore.