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New Loka Logo


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Hey folks! We are currently looking to update Loka's Logo and want to give you all the chance to have some input and potentially have your design represent the server. Even if you are not the greatest artist in the world, posting a rough sketch of a concept is still very useful to us, as it may be something we have not thought of before.

The details of what we are looking for are as follows:
  • The colour scheme of gold and black/grey. (we are open to other ideas but we do like the current colours as it also matches the artifact)
  • A unique 'L' with the text Loka appearing somewhere.
  • Perhaps it could include or mirror the artifact in some way. This is just an idea and your design does not have to meet these criteria. (our current logo contains the glowstone centre of the artifact and two sides of the obsidian to create the 'L')
The deadline for submissions will be the end of Sunday 6th August. Please post your submissions below. If you have not finished it by that date it is still worth submitting what you have so far since concepts and ideas are also what we are after. Also to note you may submit as many designs and ideas as you like. Good luck!

The Artifact

Current 'L' Design
Current Loka Logo