A while ago, two pets were added to Loka as a subscriber perk, Little Timmy, and the Aladran Guard. When it seemed it was likely that we were in for more of these adorable pets to be added, the feature just stopped at those two..
An idea me and Diego were discussing was that maybe a few more could be added. Ones extremely difficult to obtain, but still possible. Basically, making it so that the current two are always the easiest to obtain, so that there's more reason more people to buy subcriber, but then very hard working players could get some rare ones.
A thought I had for one of them was that maybe at a certain amount of Ender Dragon kills, something like 1K, you could get an achievement, which would award you with an Ender Dragon pet that would follow you around wherever you go.
Let me know what you all think of this! Is it good? Could it still possibly hurt the server since people may be less likely to pay for Sub? Or, maybe something like this is already planning on being added, and we just don't know it yet!
An idea me and Diego were discussing was that maybe a few more could be added. Ones extremely difficult to obtain, but still possible. Basically, making it so that the current two are always the easiest to obtain, so that there's more reason more people to buy subcriber, but then very hard working players could get some rare ones.
A thought I had for one of them was that maybe at a certain amount of Ender Dragon kills, something like 1K, you could get an achievement, which would award you with an Ender Dragon pet that would follow you around wherever you go.
Let me know what you all think of this! Is it good? Could it still possibly hurt the server since people may be less likely to pay for Sub? Or, maybe something like this is already planning on being added, and we just don't know it yet!