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New Player Handbook


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

I'm putting together an introductory handbook to mass produce so it can be given out to new players. It can be taxing to lead the same tour and answer the same questions in repetition and I figured a handbook could answer questions and guide players in a way we couldn't do before. That said I'm still learning plenty of things myself and I could use help deciding what content to cover in the book and how to write it. More complex topics could be covered later but this book should be the bare bones of how to play Loka. Also let me know if this has already been done. Thanks for reading!

Initial Contents:
Table of Contents
Server Overview
Conquest Overview
Aldara Locations (Spawn)
Earning Cash
T Gen battles
Quick Tips
This sounds like a great idea! I do think you should wait a while to perhaps implement it because I'm sure as C3 has recently come out there is still a lot of understanding to come with it.
Make sure you throw in a section about resource isles, I spent my first couple months in arvik strip mining before koi showed me finally what a resource isle was...
Make sure you throw in a section about resource isles, I spent my first couple months in arvik strip mining before koi showed me finally what a resource isle was...

I'd imagine that'd go under the "Earning Cash" section, which btw should just be called "Earning Shards".

Great idea though. If the book is good I could see us making it a reward for an official spawn quest.
I actually did this for Auru and some spawn locations before we had an advertisement push a couple of months ago! If you need any help, or want to use my book as a reference, by all means hit me up!
The initial attempt is finished and just needs some proof reading and editing. If anyone wants to help me polish it up, preferably before the advertising wave comes in full force, let me know and I'll pass you the book sometime tomorrow morning.