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Suggestion New rule: don't ping admins without a good reason.


Well-Known Member
Even if I don't play or chat, I do keep up with discord convos now and then.

mindblaster tagging crypt almost every day for reasons that are insignificant (like a horse in the wild or a rule - any sentry could've answered.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
If they didn’t ignore me the first 50 times I asked a sentry I wouldn’t have to ping poor Cryptite.
Please don't make accusations without being able to back it up with evidence. I don't want a repeat of previous events. If you feel you have attempted to contact staff members and are being ignored, take appropriate screenshots and send them to me, either through Discord or the forums. We will then be able to take the appropriate actions and prevent it happening again.


Well-Known Member
I'm I the only person who thinks this rule is kind of redundant? Between the vagueness of a 'a good reason' and the fact that it's just a ping. If a player was consistently pinging admins or any staff isn't it just harassment at a certain point ??

I'm not saying I have a problem with the logic, I'm saying that I have a problem with the premise of introducing a rule that solely pertains to pinging staff members.


Well-Known Member
I'm I the only person who thinks this rule is kind of redundant? Between the vagueness of a 'a good reason' and the fact that it's just a ping. If a player was consistently pinging admins or any staff isn't it just harassment at a certain point ??

I'm not saying I have a problem with the logic, I'm saying that I have a problem with the premise of introducing a rule that solely pertains to pinging staff members.
Hacker or server crash = legitimate ping
There’s a horse at spawn = unnecessary ping