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New Rules and Modifications


Active Member
New rules have been in the works for a while now, and are just now being rolled out. These rules are the result of weeks of debate between admins. We feel these rules and changes are necessary to keep the server peaceful and successful. So let's get right into it. These will probably be added into the official rules post by Magpieman soon.

Trolling in this sense is not your typical joke or other thing that is intended for harmless fun. The trolling we will enforce is that with malicious intent. Any type of trolling that is designed to affect another player personally, on an emotional (or in rare cases, physical) will be dealt with appropriately.

Admin/Player Disrespect:
All players on Loka should be given respect by the other players. This means people should not be rude towards other people for no reason (unless it is part of the game). Admins should also be respecting. Do not argue with an Admin after they have told you to do something (like dropping a subject or directing you to the forums). This is not to be strict, this is just to keep everyone from headache on the server.
If you wish to make a formal complaint or debate with an admin, do so in private chat or on the forums (forum posts are preferred).

All players must realize that Loka is a family friendly server and thus will only allow things to be said in public chat that are considered as such (not to give an exact, but around a PG-13 level). Swearing in chat is not allowed and will be followed with a kick. Repeat offenders of the swearing law will be given a very minor ban if they don't listen (Damn and Hell are not considered to be "swears" when it comes to this rule, but you still shouldn't overuse them).
The Loka RP channel is for Loka RolePlaying ONLY. If you are incorrectly using the system, you will be banned from the channel.
Any language and content is allowed in town and alliance chats. The owner of the chat may enforce any rules they wish.

When raiding a town, you are not allowed to excessively spawn kill. If the town members are not trying to trap, kill, or attack you, and they are unarmed, you should not repeatedly kill them. Killing unarmed people once is fine, and sneaking up on armed people, is of course, also fine. When it gets excessive, it becomes a bullying issue.

As a side note, we want players to not be so harsh on enforcing rules upon one another. Unless there are no admins on, you do not have to do their job for them. This is just to keep people from getting angry when half of the online players instantly call someone out for something. A warning from a single person will do.


Well-Known Member
On the final point, direct a complaint to the forums if you feel a player is consistently breaking the rules, and there isn't an admin to witness it. Also, people on this server in particular seem to take rules very literally, and I'd like to reiterate that people shouldn't be quite so keen to call people out on breaking the rules, particularly if an admin is about. We will review the situation accordingly, and as much as warnings from other players are appreciated we will handle the potential offender ourselves.

Oh, and feel free to shoot a message to us on skype if we're online there but not on Loka and we will make an effort to get online to see what's going on.