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Suggestion New Town 5day boarder guard.


Well-Known Member
Title explains it mostly.

Im posting it here, so maybe it could gain some attention.

New towns should get a 5 day boarder protection - where nobody else than town members could enter them.
Otherwise, some geared people come and kill the new players, and raid them, and make them not even bother playing here.

Lets stop the cancer spread. Help towns develop themselves!
Hm, the idea of a 5 day border can help with the development of a town without backtracking. Yeah, I do agree on this, however how would Cryptite set it up? Would players be unable to enter the territory and just pushed back everytime?
however how would Cryptite set it up? Would players be unable to enter the territory and just pushed back everytime?

Or showing outsiders unbreakable town borders, as if you hold a feather all the time.

The idea seems cool, but some town locations (bottlenecks, straits, etc) will be a pain to be crossed.
Also, what if they have already made allies who are coming to help? And guardians would need some sort of exception.

I don't think this is nessicary. The only reason for this would be to help new players learn how to hide things. Veterans making new towns (like you Grub) should know how to keep items safe. It's seems abuseable, really.
There could be rules determined to prevent abuse? For example:

- Only your first founded town

- Only if player has less or equal to X amount of hours played on server.

- Cannot be adjacent to another town

But thats all speculation because I don't play. Just ideas.
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Has it happened recently that new players left the server because of being raided after creating a new town?
If so, Crypt is aware of it because player retention is high on the priority list.
Hm, with the player count high, I would say that there will be a higher chance of raids on new towns. However coding this would be rather difficult for Cryptite, but if he succeeds in creating a solution regarding the new town raid subject Grubul is discussing, then I applaud him. But I suggest Cryptite should work on fixing lag issues, conquest bugs, etc, before adding another feature that could alter anything in the code.
i tought of the thing we currently have. when trying to enter a fight we dont belong - we just keep bumpin out.

Anyhow, dont look at this as my personal request for my own town, i just tought of scenarios, where some newbies start building a wall, they get killed - their tools and wall materials stolen. then they get raided more. they try to continue the wall, and killed again.

this way people could just be able to build the thing.

or not.

Its a suggestion, not a demand.
Didn't towns not show up on the map before reaching a certain level in Conquest 1? Obviously that had to be removed due to how Conquest 2 works but new players definitely lost a bit of protection going from Conquest 1 to Conquest 2. I'm not sure a hard barrier keeping other players from entering the town's zone is the correct solution, but some replacement for what we had in Conquest 1 should probably be added in.