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Suggestion new town perk


New Member
So I'm making this post to suggest a town perk that would allow town owners to toggle the weather in there town tile. I am suggesting this because of how the weather has little to no effect on how the game is played and how in game weather mainly is just an annoyance. I don't see any reason for it to not be a perk, if anyone does post bellow. :)


Active Member
With optifine you can toggle on/off rain and snow (from your POV), seems kinda pointless to add on Loka.


Does rain work like that? I thought rain covered the entire map, so you wouldn't be able to toggle it on/off in one area without toggling the whole map?
With optifine you can toggle on/off rain and snow (from your POV), seems kinda pointless to add on Loka.
Well, ya see, we live in the snow. Snow is not very nice. It gets everywhere and it covers everything. It would be nice to be able to toggle it on/off.


I personally don’t see this as a useful perk, only Kalros towns in snowy areas would benefit. If the particles bother you then take Red’s suggestion and install optifine.


New Member
I personally don’t see this as a useful perk, only Kalros towns in snowy areas would benefit. If the particles bother you then take Red’s suggestion and install optifine.
The main issue is what Noloite brought up. Snow covers things up and it doesn't go well with building ex Roads , walkways, etc


Staff member
Weather affects the entire world, not individual areas, so this is impossible. I recommend you either light up your walkways to melt the snow, or build a glass cover at y256 to stop snow from falling at all.


Weather affects the entire world, not individual areas, so this is impossible. I recommend you either light up your walkways to melt the snow, or build a glass cover at y256 to stop snow from falling at all.
Definitely is possible with plugins. Seen many servers with region specific weather


Staff member
Those plugins are all visual. Server-side weather is global and that can't be changed.


WorldGuard does have a "weather-lock" flag that could be toggled just like how we do "/g mobspawning <on/off>". The only issue is that because it's just visual, weather would still do things to the world. Although WorldGuard has a "snow-fall" flag that can be used to disable that aspect of weather, there's still a lot more things that would need to change, like:
  • endermen, snowmen, and blazes taking damage
  • lightning striking
  • cauldrons fillling with water
  • fish being caught faster
If we can get past all the quirks then I think it'd be a pretty cool mid-level perk for players to unlock. Although I'm also curious how many players don't use Optifine, as disabling weather is already a feature in it.