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No-Alt Enforcement begins Oct 10th


Staff member
You have until the 10th of October to do the last things you need to do with your alts (unload gear, whatever). At that point, people on alts will be kindly reminded of the rule and asked to get offline or ask that their alt account become their main.

To recap and answer any final questions people have about alts, they are expressely and entirely forbidden except in the sole case of RP Events. As for "what are RP events" they will need to be "approved" by admins as RP-able to ensure they are kosher. This is predominantly for people with RP alts. We will be looking out for funny business if people try to use alts during this time for non-rp-event-purposes.

Unfortunately, beyond those allowed times, we cannot make any exceptions for alts under any other cases simply because it becomes a nightmare of "legitimate play" which we already have issues with and is why we've had to forbid alts in the first place.

Thanks for the understanding, everybody. Hopefully this can lead to a much more solid and quality level of play on Loka. Go Forth!