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Noobville Tournament III


Well-Known Member
Noobville Tournament III
September 18th, 2:30 pm EST
Hosted By: sSteak
This tournament will be a 2v2 battle where duos will fight for the 'Victor' title on LokaMc. The tournament will consist of 16 teams of 2 at minimum (32 players total) and it will be held on September 18th at 2:30 pm EST. I am encouraging all people to come and participate. The people of Noobville have constructed a fantastic arena for you all to enjoy (photos below). If you are interested in signing up message @Sabji#0386 on discord with your partner and team name.


2v2 Event *Important*
Before rounds begin if the brackets overfill we will hold preliminary knock-out rounds which will consist of a best of 1 knock-out round. The following rounds will go as follows: Round 1: Best of 1, Round 2-4: best of 3, Finals: Best of 5.
Information *Important*
The entry fee will be 32 diamond blocks (16 per player). To enter the tournament if interested please message me on discord at @Sabji#0386. It will be 16 teams making it 32 players total if more players do sign up the brackets will be expanded on. Since the recent addition of kits to Loka pots or refills, shulkers are not necessary for participants. you will be required however to set up your kits before the tournament.
Rules *Important*
- No Debuff Potions or Tipped Arrows
- No bows with infinity (32 arrows max per round)
-No Crossbows
- No Firestones
- No Enderpearls
- No Thorns
- Host of the tournament will decide whether a fight will be redone if a player lags out or disconnects
-No KB swords
-No Turtle Pots
-No Axes
-No Shields​

First Place:
- 2 Lored Maxed Swords
- 2 Max Lore Sets (Thorns II)
- 32 Diamond Blocks
-32 Gold Blocks
- 64 Iron Blocks
- 64 Ancient Ingots
- 'Victor' Title

Second Place:
- 2 Max Sword
- 2 Max Set (Thorns II)
- 24 Diamond Blocks
- 32 Iron Blocks
- 32 Ancient Ingots

Third Place:
-2 Max Sword
-2 Max Set (No Thorns)
-16 Diamond Blocks
-16 Iron Blocks
-16 Ancient Ingots​
Continental Clash V2 *Important*
We will be hosting another continental battle event before the finals. the 5 best players from each town cap on Garama, Ascalon, and Kalros choose 5 of their best players to go head and head for the best of 1 fight to determine which continent has the best players. There is no fee to sign up for the Event. Alliance leaders of each cap must message @Sabji#0386 on discord with their 5. the reward for this is bragging rights as well as 1 lored crown to the winning team.

- Lurrn

- ExplodingBull
- Wemb
- Mardogaming

- 36s

- noobcraft14

- znufi
- ThePigGang
- waansi
- Batoe

- g0mez
- Fzu
- Mentta
- TerroristCheater

- Daviq
There are a total of 11 stalls and they will cost 48 diamond blocks per. Each stall varies in size so it is first to come first get. Msg @Sabji#0386 on discord if you are interested in purchasing a stall.
- LedMilo
- coolkidsupa
- LedBatoe
- Hypertotodile
- LobsterLarry
- Dzne_
- lilfros
- Evil_x
- Lurrn & MardoGaming (Dip Lite)
- Wemb & ExplodingBull (Street Cleaners)
- LedBatoe & Ivov (Double Trouble)
- TryH4rdd & Tqmen (Dusty Dutchies)
- PerryStrong & Fxqme (monkey bob joe)
- Hypertotodile & Frxnkey (Shield Monkeys)
- UghBraces & A_uj (Teasun)
- _BL00DY & SP00D3R (Brown Blood)
- Z3K3__ & Danito (La Ratas)
- TerroristCheater & xJachar_ (Reshedit)
- Mxthi & TerroristIcy (Empanadas)
- Balthq & SodDeivii (SOD)
- subys & Dylhn (Velocity)
- Constantine10 & Zaidgvv (Suicide Squad)
- Confens & xXAlexkingXx (300ms)
- jovenshirepoop & tedzi_at_mojang (anti kb)
- AzTk_Engineer & Turtl_e (Radar Users)
- pabbies & Nqouir (ol')

- SodRayo & SodKyle (Callados)
- Mentta & Fzu (otra vez)
- LedRasheeez & Ushuel (polish gang)


A Note about Lag *Important*
This is your warning now, to protect yourself and your IP address before the tournament.
Last 1v1 tournament, we had an issue with obvious Denial of Service attacks on a competitor.
We debated the rule of restarting the round in case of a disconnect but quickly decided otherwise.
This is for the obvious reason that a player could disconnect when they were losing the round.
If any competitor is disconnected during their match, They will forfeit that round.
This means you should consider resetting your IP address beforehand.
I would hate for someone to lose due to an outage.
I would suggest contacting your ISP on how you can obtain a new IP if you may be at risk.
- FroggyFruit
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