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No Plans to Implement Nova's Box O' Fun Stuff & Suggestions!


Active Member
Let's go dudes & dudettes!
1. Turrets in T-Gen Territories / Extra Fortification
To start off with our first suggestion!
Is a fortification idea for defending important T-Gens.
The Debuff Turret, It's a placable turrent you can assemble by doing /c create, And it effectivley can either rapid fire or precisely target players like a sniper.
You need to manually put debuff pots.
Examples being, Poison, Instant Damage, Weakness etc.
If it runs out mid battle you need to load it with ammo which are the debuff potions.
There are 2 types of these turrets.
1. One Barrel Cannon > Rapid Fire, Sniper
Now to the 2nd type.
2. Heavy Artillery Cannon > Rapid Fire TNT, All side TNT Sprayer
The heavy artillery one is meant to dish out alot of damage and destroy large groups of enemies at the inhib or T-Gen, You need to manually use TNT to load it.
Rapid Fire is very self explanatory as it just shoots fast at targets.
But All Side Sprayer is where it gets interesting...
You have to be very precise when placing the all side sprayer.
As it fires in 4 sides.
South, East, West North.
It will spin like a disc and spray TNT on all targets around.
It acts as sort of a last resort, So the town using it will have to find a good place to take cover.
Woah, Crazy huh?
Well these are very strong cannons but are very expensive to have in a territory.
If you have 30 cannons in 1 in 30 territories.
Your tax will be 2x higher.
2. More Dynmap Diversity.
The Loka Dynmap is amazing.
But it lacks some aspects.
1. A Religion Map Setting, Showing where is religion is spread and located in.
2. A Culture Map Setting, Showing how many members from a town are in a town.
Example : Town : Eldritch, 90% Eldritch Citizens, 10% Silverhand Citizens, 5% Dong Dank citizens, You know the drill.
3. A Trade Route Map Setting, Showing which trade routes are at each continents and where they lead etc.
4. A Resource Map Setting, Showing which territories has which resources by showing the item / resource on the tile.
Thanks For Reading!
Post your mind in the reply!
Don't be toxic! :)


Active Member
I just have one thing to say and I'm sorry if this comes across wrong, I mean no offense.
Example : Town : Eldritch, 90% Eldritch Citizens, 10% Silverhand Citizens, 5% Dong Dank citizens, You know the drill.

90 + 10 + 5 does not make 100. Also, dudette is not a word.

P.S. I kinda like the cannon idea, but it might make things balanced towards defenders a bit much. Maybe make a smaller version for attackers? idk