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Suggestion NPC'S

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Well-Known Member
Howdy folks, just a simple suggestion; one that has been suggested and talked about many times.

We've removed Villagers on the server (atleast to my knowledge) for the reasons of trading being a pretty game breaking mechanic and them overall just not having a place on server.

I personally and many players that I know of enjoy having inhabitants within the towns even if they're not real players or especially high quality NPC's.

I'm suggesting the feature of allowing towns to place a limited number of Villagers within the towns under zone controlled circumstances to make towns feel more lively or developed.


Well-Known Member
THIS but could you imagine a level 26 town level that allows you to get these npcs to do certain things around your town like maybe empty a certain industry once a day like one time a week OR have them dig or mine blocks.... VILLAGER MINING TURTLES WHEN


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see villager groups show up at the town and you can accept them into your town as npc's. The higher town level the more likely they appear. Could even incorporate the wandering trader and try to make it feel like all the villagers are actually alive and moving


Well-Known Member
From my perspective what people want is the utility to tie this in with quests or town functions.

Ability to give these specific NPC's duties etc makes this feature practical.

I'm reference to 'zone controlled' I simply meant NPC's couldn't leave a specified zone.

Again just going to reiterate I feel that I'm talking about villagers as they would take up considerably less resources than server created NPC's

Edit: Autocorrect and work makes typing hard
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Well-Known Member
villagers are actually alive and moving
I’ve done this plenty of times on my server and it’s actually very simple to implement in spawn related areas. I don’t know about towns though, that might be a little more complicated.


Active Member
NPCs assigned to guard a town could introduce new PvE features, such as a ''necromancer'', which could summon undead mobs around it. Otherwise they could just do useless jobs that make towns look like they're living, such as clearing snow from roads or fishing.


Well-Known Member
NPCs assigned to guard a town could introduce new PvE features, such as a ''necromancer'', which could summon undead mobs around it. Otherwise they could just do useless jobs that make towns look like they're living, such as clearing snow from roads or fishing.
this reminds me alot of Tango Teks "tektopia" mod that completely overhauls villages. I'd love something like that done on Loka but I don't know if the work is worth it. You'd have farmers, lumberjacks, miners, ranchers, guards etc etc
It could really bring towns to life


Active Member
farmers, lumberjacks, miners, ranchers,
The issue with that is that you can't really have NPC's doing the work for you...
Alternatively they could become industry upgrades, more NPC's = more industry produce. But of course they would use up tools quicker, so would require more maintaining.


Well-Known Member
We’re all forgetting hear that Crypt and Mag want resources to be harder to gain on Loka... these working NPCs would destroy that.


Well-Known Member
I love the idea of the original suggestion. Most the discussion is just how the idea could be expanded if we wanted to take things even further