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Suggestion Nyx Fishing Quests


Well-Known Member
Hello, Nyx fishing quests I think should be removed or, faster to complete. Here's why. Nyx fishing quests take boredom to the extreme. They have to be one of the most boring things I have ever experienced on Loka. It also does not help that 2/3 of the time you don't even get the fish for the quest, just a normal one. These quests are substantially more time consuming than all of the other Nyx quests. The travelling to the north side of Balak and then fishing is i'd say about 25-40 minutes when the rest are about 15 minutes. I think the fix of the problem could be A. make it so you're guaranteed the fish for the quest each time you catch one, or B. just remove them.
Having variation in the length and difficulty of a Nyx quest balances it out. Fishing doesn't put you in much of any danger, so it makes ssense for the quest to be a little longer. Though if they do take too long, they shouldn't be removed imo.
Having variation in the length and difficulty of a Nyx quest balances it out.
This was our initial thought behind the design of these, however I don't think that it worked out to be like that in practice. Although I don't speak for what the rest of the PVE team feels, I think that there's two (maybe three) options regarding these quests:
1. Remove them entirely
2. Create rewards for keeping up daily streaks
3. Guarantee the fish being caught

Although I generally try to do them every day, I typically skip these ones...
I think, you buff fish to deal damage when you catch them based on weight. this will ultimately train people to fight mardogaming and his talents.
This was our initial thought behind the design of these, however I don't think it worked out to be like that in practice. Although I don't speak for what the rest of the PVE team feels, I think that there's two (maybe three) options regarding these quests:
1. Remove them entirely
2. Create rewards for keeping up daily streaks
3. Guarantee the fish being caught

Although I generally try to do them every day, I typically skip these ones...
Daily streaks idea sounds really good tbh
Having variation in the length and difficulty of a Nyx quest balances it out. Fishing doesn't put you in much of any danger, so it makes ssense for the quest to be a little longer. Though if they do take too long, they shouldn't be removed imo.
but they're not any safer than any other Nyx quests, and from what I've felt doing every Nyx quest several times some of the fishing ones can take significantly longer than it would to just straight up grind the materials if you don't pray to RNGesus.
Yeah I agree, cut them or we put them in as something else because there is the odd few people who do them.
it'd be fine if they were the only drop you could fish up at that spot while doing the quest

Even then I feel like the gather times for fishing quests are unnecessarily long compared to say bones in sand quest or go find some alliums. I'm never traveling all the way to the furthest reaches of a map just to go fishing, even though the time it takes for that may far exceed what I would get time wise at a shrine.