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Suggestion Ocean t-gens that provide prismarine items.


So, something that is still a running joke within eldritch is my obsession with prismarine bricks (not: blocks, dark bricks, or lanterns). It originated maybe 2-3 weeks ago because I was building a magical themed room and I found that prismarine bricks were a fantastic color for it. However... I could only find 8 prismarine brick blocks. In our whole town. I then asked in chat, and had a couple people reply, including Ajaxan. Most had lots of normal prismarine, but none were able to find more than 5 prismarine brick blocks.

While this problem has been partially fixed by several days of the daily block being prismarine bricks, I wouldn't really call ~100 items a "great stockpile suitable for monuments." I understand that rare items encourage trading, but I think it would be reasonable to have another source for rare prismarine items like blocks, bricks, dark bricks, lanterns and sponges.

So, I'm suggesting that we add tgens with hexagonal regions covering ocean biomes that add prismarine items to industries.
(I thought I might make a slightly less code-oriented suggestion this time :p)

I think this kills a couple of birds with one stone: another way to access rare prismarine items, encourage fighting similar to the way territory buffs do (as these tgens would probably be more coveted than others), and a way to provide a "bridge" for more conquest access points to some areas.

Here a couple possible locations that show how they can be used as a "bridge" in blue:
(Dynamp doesn't let me screenshot the top, you could probably have one or two others near the port or mountains/flower forest)

(not quite as functional here, so I just spread them out, probably need a few more).

Imgur album for bigger pictures (if forums doesn't let you make them big)

So that's all well and good, but tgens are supposed to be placed on land? What gives?

Well, this may be a little crazy, but... what if they were underwater? Putting the tgen underwater solves a couple of problems and creates an interesting challenge/battlefield..
  • Iron Golems sink. Instead of using a different mob (although the Guardian is aptly named), putting the tgen on the ocean floor means standard iron golems (well, maybe with water breathing and depth strider) could still have combat with the player and defend the charged lamps. I mean, normal water guardians would be cool too if you wanted to bother (but man would getting those charges be harder). After some testing, depth strider increases movement speed underwater of golems, but not not enough for them to be dangerous. Speed did not increase underwater speed at all, but... when you give speed to a golem with depth strider, altering the speed also alters underwater movement speed. So, depth strider + speed gives you a configurable golem speed.
  • Floating tgens (or on top of a pillar) would be kinda weird. Putting them on the floor removes this weirdness, and who knows, maybe we could even spice up the build with a water-temple style palette. Banners would be an issue, but you could encase in glass or just have a 1by1 glass pillar going up from the beacon beam that has the glass on it above water level.
  • Because these tgens have a unique rare resource, it seems kinda fitting to encourage a unique fight. Battling golems underwater would be interesting, but imagine the boat combat with the passenger doing the shooting! The fight being harder could be an issue for younger towns, but these tgens provide only aesthetic blocks and they're not in the center of continents, so it's not an obstacle younger towns need to face.
  • Underwater tgens also make it more clear that you're not really supposed to turn this tgen into a town. This is a design decision for you guys, but it seems like just preventing town creation at underwater tgens is the way to go because I think it would be unfair to have this as you "indisputably controlled" resource. It's not like it's an undertaking most new towns could go through anyway (with the probable need of water breathing/respiration).
I also wanted to talk about a couple of topics/balancing. The first is how to handle embargos. I think the idea of having the ocean monuments be a controllable "biome" like everything else would be nice and keep the rarity of prismarine blocks, but you can't really "harvest" prismarine, so the embargo makes less sense. Also, normally industries give blocks regardless of embargo, so there's that.

In terms of how they give items, I think (on the three hour timer) they could pick randomly from: ~40 prismarine shards (~10 prismarine blocks or ~4.5 prismarine bricks), ~15 prismarine crystals (3 lanterns), or 1 sponge. That averages to (over one week) about 2.5 stacks of prismarine blocks (or just over 1 stack of bricks), about half a stack of sea lanterns (not counting shard use), and 18 sponges. Obviously those numbers are to to debate, maybe you could make sponge more rare or etc.

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Well-Known Member
I'd also like to see this enabling towns to take control of fishing resources as well! More embargoes!