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Official Update Thread

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Staff member
This thread is now a sticky and will remain as the thread where code-updates to TheArtifact (the custom code that runs the generators and stuff on this server) will be posted.

Update for The Artifact this afternoon:
  • NEW: You may now use /g in addition to /generator to perform generator commands.
  • NEW: Generator owners may now add and remove other owners with /g addowner and /g delowner.
  • NEW: Added /g help to better and more prettily describe the usage of /g.
  • CHANGE: /g info now displays less information about the town if you aren't a member of it. It is the same as before, however, if you are part of that town.
  • CHANGE: Players and town owners will now receive messages for the following events:
    -Player is added or remove from town generator.
    -Player is added or removed as an owner for a town.
    -A Player sets /town in your town (if you are an owner)
  • CHANGE: Brand new joins no longer have two join messages, just the first time join message.

That's about it, enjoy!


Staff member
Re: Artifact Update

New update as of about an hour ago.

Now introducing Town Chat!

  • Chat with members of your town in private. Discuss building the Great New Thing™ out of the prying eyes of others and without resorting to advanced pm juggling.
  • Town chat only works on your active /town. If you own multiple generators, you'll need to /town at the one you wish to speak through.
  • Syntax: /t <message>
  • Also introducing /ttoggle. This is basically just an on/off switch that allows you to send all chat messages to town chat without having to use the /t prefix for each message.



Staff member
Re: Artifact Update

Morning update while the server was empty. This is a chat update.

  • Reimplemented the chat system. iChat is no longer installed and TheArtifact now handles chat formatting and whatnot.
  • Town owners are now indicated in chat by green brackets. Regular users still have gray colored rank brackets.
  • Town owners' names are green when displayed in town chat.
  • Players are now informed that they need to be /towned if they try to /t without one.

That's it. Enjoy! And as always, pm if shit breaks bad.


Staff member
  • Moved /rank to /g rank
  • All towns, large and small, may now set ranks on members using /g rank
  • Ranks are now displayed in town chat.
  • To deal with overly long town names, town owners may now use /g tag
  • Use /g tag to set an abbreviation, or shortform for your town for use in town chat. IE: Hidden caverns could do, /g tag hidden_caverns HC and their town chat would then display like [HC] (Rank) Player: chattext

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