Bring back the old host, Loka has become a lot more laggier and Cryptite said 50/50 of the server would go up or go down ping. Most of the servers players went up ping, Cryptite also said that Conquest/Balak would be less laggier but to be honest it hasn't gotten better it's actually gotten worse. I've heard so many people complain about how their ping went up and I am also complaining. Most people went up 10-30 ping, like me for example, I went from averaging 15-20 ping to 30-50 and everything has gotten worse, kxyzv and strafe also complain about it daily and it's valid because there's way to many people that have had their ping raise and it would be awesome if you guys could revert the host back to the old Virginia host. Take your time to read this suggestion and think over it carefully