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Added Old Potion Colors


Well-Known Member
Name: Old Potions
Link: https://modrinth.com/mod/oldpotions
Description: This is a standalone mod that reverts the potion colors that were changed in 1.19.4, making it the third viable option for those who do not like the new potion colors
Reason: While not everyone cares, I am sure that most people would prefer to keep the same colors since its what everyone has gotten used to over the many many years of these potions being in the game.

This is also the only way for non-Optifine users to get the old potion colors back. Colormatic has not yet been updated officially for any versions above 1.19.


Active Member
oh wait wtf
i swear u were just saying texture packs wont change it a few days ago in loka chat im going insane