Tell us about your username?
I've always had a knack and interest in the various usernames that minecraft players have! Loka is such a unique and diverse community that I want to give you all a chance to tell how you decided to create the name we all know you by!
I'll start us all off!
Jammin_Mas, _Maiz_, Jammin_Trash
The name Jammin_Mas relates closest to my personal life. I've always loved the guitar and my parents would often cite me as "Jammin Out" when I played it! The underscore is just a filler leading to the Mas, which is short for my real name, Mason.
_Maiz_ Is a rather simple yet complicated name as it not only is spanish for my favorite food (corn) but also matched my friend Koi's former name of _Kaiz_.
Jammin_Trash was a name I decided on when thinking of what tag my clan, The Seagulls, should have after our names. After pvping with Archersquid it was decided that we would include his favorite nickname of Trash in our names and move to Kalros to be with him.
Of course there are many other nicknames that I have but most of those were from years ago when I was just a farmer, and are not in circulation.
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I've always had a knack and interest in the various usernames that minecraft players have! Loka is such a unique and diverse community that I want to give you all a chance to tell how you decided to create the name we all know you by!
I'll start us all off!
Jammin_Mas, _Maiz_, Jammin_Trash
The name Jammin_Mas relates closest to my personal life. I've always loved the guitar and my parents would often cite me as "Jammin Out" when I played it! The underscore is just a filler leading to the Mas, which is short for my real name, Mason.
_Maiz_ Is a rather simple yet complicated name as it not only is spanish for my favorite food (corn) but also matched my friend Koi's former name of _Kaiz_.
Jammin_Trash was a name I decided on when thinking of what tag my clan, The Seagulls, should have after our names. After pvping with Archersquid it was decided that we would include his favorite nickname of Trash in our names and move to Kalros to be with him.
Of course there are many other nicknames that I have but most of those were from years ago when I was just a farmer, and are not in circulation.
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