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*Outdated post*


Active Member
Starting today I will be selling enchanted books, enchantments and repairs/renames. For more details read below;
Level 1-10 Enchantment : 1 Diamond
Level 11-20 Enchantment: 2 Diamonds
Level 21-30 Enchantment: 3 Diamonds
Level 1-10 Repair/Rename : 1 Diamond
Level 11-20 Repair/Rename : 2 Diamonds
Level 21-30 Repair/Rename : 3 Diamonds
Level 31-39 Repair/Rename : 4 Diamonds
Enchanted Books
Efficiency IV
Sharpness III

Efficiency IV
Respiration III
Unbreaking III

Efficiency IV
Bane of Arthropods IV
Knockback II

Sharpness III

Protection III
Thorns II

Looting II
Bane of Arthropods IV
Unbreaking III

Sharpness II

Efficiency III
Luck of The Sea II

Efficiency IV
Projectile Protection IV
Bane of Arthropods IV

Projectile Protection IV
Respiration III
Fortune III

Efficiency IV

Silk Touch I

Feather Falling III

Feather Falling IV

Fire Protection III
Feather Falling IV

Protection III

Protection III
Sharpness I

Power IV

Flame I

Punch II

Power III

Protection III
Sharpness III
Flame I

Power III

Efficiency III
Sharpness III

Respiration III
Sharpness III

Efficiency IV
Fire Aspect II
Fire Protection III

Efficiency IV
Protection III
Looting III

Knockback II

Sharpness III
Efficiency III

Fire Aspect II
Knockback II

Efficiency IV
Sharpness IV

Power III
Projectile Protection IV

Efficiency III

Unbreaking III
Infinity I

*I am continuing to expand the list of enchanted books for sale because I am enchanting them daily so new books will be up for sale daily*

If you are interested in any of the books above then say so and make an offer below. If someone makes an offer on the same item that you're interested in that is a better/higher priced offer then I will take their offer.

  1. If buying enchanted books, meet at spawn and exchange items.
  2. If buying enchantments or repairs/renames then you need to give me item you wish enchanted/repaired as well as the price listed above (If a repair then you also need to give me the materials in order to repair it).
  3. Enchantments on items are 100% legit and I cannot change the outcome of what you get so do not complain.
  4. All exchanges must be paid for in advance. For example, if you want me to enchant a diamond chestplate you have to give me the chestplate and the diamonds.
  5. If you wish to have an item enchanted or repaired then there's a chance you won't be online by the time the finalized product is ready. To solve this problem, I will hide a chest near spawn and /mail you the coords. By chance someone finds the chest and you don't get the item, I will use my own materials to replace it.
  6. If I find out that you are abusing anything of my system then you will be banned from purchasing anything from this store.
  7. Keep in mind that 90% of the time I'm on the server I'm afking to increase the list of enchanted books for sale so I usually won't respond to /msg's
  8. Every once in a while a lucky customer will receive a bonus item to their order. This is completely randomized and the rewards vary from an extra book to an overpowered tool/armor/weapon.

Happy Shopping!
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