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[Outdated] The Loka+ Resource Pack [16x]


Staff member
Hey guys, I'd like to announce a small side project I started. I was reading Optifine's documentation and stumbled on a little-known feature called CIT, or Custom Item Textures. Essentially what this allows you to do is define textures to specific items based on a set of rules. I've used this feature to add custom textures for Loka's custom items, leading to the release of the...

Loka+ Resource Pack


current version: v3.3
NOTE: Optifine is required
Make sure "Custom Items" are turned on in options -> video settings -> quality
Currently done:
  • Docks swords
  • Dock bows
  • Leafcutter
  • All holiday items
  • Xp bottles
  • Power shard/power shard cluster
  • Opycs!
  • Blood
  • Strange mote/mass
  • Basic shard/crystal
  • Recall stone
  • Ancient ingot
  • Aladran sweetbread
  • Protectors
  • and a whole lot more!
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A 32x version is definitely a possibility, but the pack is intended to only modify Loka-specific item textures, so a lowfire texture wouldn't be added.
I like idea of town-specific armour textures, but I just don’t see it working.

A-town gets their armour textures (created by you?) added first and B-town gets jealous.
B-town submit some custom textures and they get added.
A-town is suddenly unhappy with their textures because the textures made by B-town are so much better.
Meanwhile C-town is unhappy because they aren’t considered relevant enough to have their own armour set.
I like idea of town-specific armour textures, but I just don’t see it working.

A-town gets their armour textures (created by you?) added first and B-town gets jealous.
B-town submit some custom textures and they get added.
A-town is suddenly unhappy with their textures because the textures made by B-town are so much better.
Meanwhile C-town is unhappy because they aren’t considered relevant enough to have their own armour set.
A good work around could be simply: Submit your town's textures and they'll be approved. That way its the towns having to put the effort for their own special texture and its up to their own dedication and talents just like building their town. Also opens it up to the wide range of creative minds we have to leave their mark on Loka. Could even open up a new market if it really picks up where someone gets payed in shards to make an armor design or something ;D
pls add more stuff w/ this and custom weapons to lokaaaa <3

maybe even add the option to customise ur weapons w/ the texture pack?
Possible "Loka+ Community Patch" texture pack where people submit their own weapons and the weapon names along with the texture they want ;D could be cool as an optional addition!
Possible "Loka+ Community Patch" texture pack where people submit their own weapons and the weapon names along with the texture they want ;D could be cool as an optional addition!

ya but it should only be purely cosmetic for da feels, otherwise it might result in biased pvp. imagine the feature to make your bow elven? or make a sword an actual shortsword instead of loring it. That would be a great aspect to Loka tbh, maybe even orb cosmetics too idk
Loka+ is a third-party project so no real integrations with Loka will be made other than retexuring what's already there. Something like a fancy hilt on lored/stat tracked items might be possible, though I'd want to implement that in a way that integrates with other resource packs the player is using (like a hilt overlay rather than a full sword texture).

As for the custom textures for town armor, the idea made a lot more sense when I released Loka+, before battlezones started using leather armor. Now the idea is probably not worth the immense amount of effort it'd require.
Loka+ is a third-party project so no real integrations with Loka will be made other than retexuring what's already there. Something like a fancy hilt on lored/stat tracked items might be possible, though I'd want to implement that in a way that integrates with other resource packs the player is using (like a hilt overlay rather than a full sword texture).

As for the custom textures for town armor, the idea made a lot more sense when I released Loka+, before battlezones started using leather armor. Now the idea is probably not worth the immense amount of effort it'd require.
Skuuuu an overlay for something would be perfeeeect like maybe armour overlays too idk. Sounds excitiiiiiing

Loka+ has been updated!
Download: http://eldritchbot.com/Loka+.zip

This is really overdue, but I procrastinated pretty hard on working on it. A lot of new custom items have been added and I wasn't super happy with some of the old textures so those got changed as well. In total, there's over 20 new/updated textures in this version. As always, suggestions and feedback are appreciated.

  • Power shard
  • Yuletide feather
  • Summer firework
  • Opycs (visible in /profile)
  • Strange mote
  • Strange mass
  • Basic shard
  • Basic crystal
  • Recall stone
  • Power shard cluster
  • Ascalonian Sword
  • Kalrosian Longsword
  • Garaman Blade
  • Yuletide snowball
  • Yuletide snow
  • Aladran sweetbread
  • Attacking/defending protectors
  • & more!
Special thanks to @Aggressive_Gibon for the dock swords!

Note: OptiFine 1.12.2 HD U C8 or later is required for the custom protectors to work properly.
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