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PartayArc for Guardian


Well-Known Member
Age: 22

Current rank: Sentry

Which rank you are applying for:

What you think is expected of this rank: Guardians should support the community to the best of their ability, always being a friendly and approachable figure for the player-base to benefit from. They should respond in a timely manner, and ensure that they are kept up to date with server mechanics and rules. In addition, they should check the Loka Forums and the Discord on a regular basis. As well as this, Guardians may be privy to information and content that needs to be kept confidential. As such, Guardians should be trusted not to leak any staff matters.

Staff in the Guardian team should also be able to work alongside fellow staff members, communicating and cooperating with one another where necessary. As this role is one of Loka’s highest ranks, staff members in this role should be completely unbiased and remain impartial when making decisions.

What duties do you think you would be proficient in: I would be proficient with solving reports, investigating town betrayals, supporting other staff members, and assisting the community with any questions. As well as this, I’m looking forward to trying out multiple different facets of the Guardian rank and seeing what I perform best in, hopefully pushing the rank to its fullest.

Why you think you should become this rank: Since joining the server back in 2017, I have dedicated a massive amount of time and effort to the server - even becoming only the third person to receive the ‘Muse’ title. I hope that this dedication demonstrates my commitment to Loka and that I am well-prepared to take on the responsibilities of a Guardian. Through my work as part of both the Sentry team and the PvE dev team, I am accustomed to working on Loka behind the scenes and I am excited to take this work ethic further through the Guardian role.

As a self-described ‘walking dictionary of Loka’, I feel ready to help the community on a day-to-day basis, including assisting with reports, advice, and supporting new players. I try to be a friendly face to everyone in the server’s community and therefore believe that I’m well-placed to be a Guardian that all Lokans feel comfortable approaching.

When you started playing on the server: September 12, 2017

Timezone: GMT

How often do you play (hours a day/week): 5 - 6 hours a day