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Perm Mute Appeal


New Member
The fact that I'm having to make this appeal in the first place is, quite frankly, silly.
After being told that regular mutes "aren't used as punishments" blew me away and just made no sense to me. And the fact that nowhere on the forums does it say what'll happen if you violate the chat rules for swearing baffled me further.

The thing is, I got warned, and I got muted before this mute, and then I stopped. Only slip up was me saying ''ass'' in public chat once, which I think was definitely a bit of a stretch. In addition, there were about 3 people on at the time, nobody complained, and one guy, if my memory isn't being funny, played along with the joke. Now, I understand that this rule is made for all situations it has to apply to, and if I had said it in a chat with more people online, then yeah, I'd sympathise with being warned, not muted, because after all, saying ''ass'' and being perm muted for that is most definitely a stretch, with some staff even describing it as ''disgusting''. Even now I'm not censoring it as I did with the other reason they gave me for my mute. But to continue on from my original point, nobody saw it as an issue when it was said, and therefore I don't believe that it is fair to mute me for using the word. Obviously now, I'm gunna have to proof read every sentence I write to make sure that there's nothing there that can be considered remotely offensive, but sometimes I like to be offensive as a joke, even without cursing, it's part of my personality, and it sucks that I'm gunna have to change my personality purely to be able to talk publicly.

Another reason they gave me as for my mute was saying ''
fuck off monkey''
in DMs to mindblaster. If that counts as ''offensive private messages'', then I don't think I'm ever going to use the /msg command ever again. I was fully aware by the time I got my first mute that it was against the rules to "use any words in public or local chat that could be seen as offensive", as why I hadn't sworn since my original mute. The reason I had sent this message was because of how he had acted in messaged towards us. After his first successful raid on us, mindblaster proceeded to mock me and my townmates after he took a large portion of our gear. Now seeing as we are fairly new to the server, I was annoyed, but I didn't get worked up over it. It;' the fact that he messaged me straight after his failed raid on us, and he had wanted to come to our town to trade, which I obviously wasn't going to allow. So, I told him to f-off, but even then I wasn't even being serious about it, which blends well in to my next point. Another reason I said this was because it was, quite clearly, not meant to be taken all too seriously. I called him a monkey, like do you really think I was really annoyed at him? In addition, I wouldn't have told him to f-off if I hadn't gathered that he could clearly handle a single swear word. After he patronised and made fun of us in my DMs, I knew that he wouldn't take offence to it. I don't go around telling anyone in my DMs that tells me something I don't like to f-off. It was barely offensive, and another silly reason to mute me.

To conclude, if I do get unmuted, it's rare that I'm going to talk in public chat without having to proof read anything I say to make sure nobody gets offended by it, and it's not a measure I should have to take. I think some of the things I have been muted for are outright unjust and blown way out of proportion, and sadly having to make this appeal is only going to contribute to that. Anything I haven't listed for a reason they gave for my ban was stuff that I had already been given punishment for, and yes, I still argue that the mute they originally gave me was punishment. Do I think it was strict enough? No, a 24h mute would've been much more sufficient, as it would've actually given me some perspective as to what I would've been facing if I continued the way I was going. But again, I had done my best to cut out any swearing or offensive behaviour in public chat. Saying ''ass'' was a slip up and I think I was treated too harshly for that, unless you want to argue that ''poop'' was also offensive and a valid reason to ban me.
I should also add that I think mutes should only apply to local and public chat, as the chat rules violated were in public chat and in /msg, but /ignore exists to counter the latter. Also, I think Loka should have some sort of censorship plugin, it prevents people from actually seeing ''disgusting'' language as well as letting you know if those people are doing it.

Peace out, and Long Live the Empire!


New Member
I have listed some of the chat messages sent by Ti1lted, the vast majority of which were made after Thursday 26th March 2020.

Yeah, so it's clear you didn't read the appeal fully. If you had, you'd know that I was fine with any punishment before this mute. The last message and the 5th to last message are what your staff banned me for.
99% of these messages I was never even warned for, so I had no idea it was against the rules until recently.
LOL you're also arguing that "poop" is offensive. Come on dude.
So yeah, nice one for pulling a good majority of this out of context and providing no argument for it. It's clear you just didn't like what I said earlier and can't deal with the fact that you know half of this isn't valid.


Staff member
you'd know that I was fine with any punishment before this mute. The last message and the 5th to last message are what your staff banned me for.

Correct, you were eventually permamuted for repeatedly ignoring the warnings you were given several times before and continuing to break our rules. It is not incumbent on us to consider whether you are fine with the punishment.


New Member
Correct, you were eventually permamuted for repeatedly ignoring the warnings you were given several times before and continuing to break our rules. It is not incumbent on us to consider whether you are fine with the punishment.
No, I got muted before that by Sku. Then, I shut up and slipped once and was perm muted without warning. My argument is that what happened in that situation crossed the line. You could've warned me for everything I said then, but about 4 of the things your staff uses against me I was warned for, and I got punishment after those warnings. So, what I'm asking is if ''ass'' is worth a perm mute, or ''poop'' is worth a perm mute either.


Staff member
You being punished with tempmutes in the past does not "wash away" the fact that you were also warned for those. I'm not sure why you think your record resets because of that. You've committed a lot of offenses in a very short period including harassment in that last DM.


New Member
You being punished with tempmutes in the past does not "wash away" the fact that you were also warned for those. I'm not sure why you think your record resets because of that. You've committed a lot of offenses in a very short period including harassment in that last DM.
So does ''ass'' after those warnings warrant another warning, causing a perm mute? And I don't know what you mean by harassment, after calling him a ''monkey''. If you're going that far, then have a look at the DMs he sent me maybe? I'm sure because it doesn't suit you're argument even if you do look at them, you won't do anything with them and won't accept fault.


New Member
View attachment 1434

This was the message sent to you which prompted you to respond with this:
PLEASE, for the life of me, tell me how you saw this as harassment.
a) That is 1 message I sent. Harassment would be if I went out of my way constantly to make him feel awful
b) As I've said, if you had read the appeal, this was not meant to be taken seriously. If he felt harassed, he would've reported it.
c) I should've clarified this, in no way was I trying to be racist by calling him a monkey. I only did it because I wasn't even taking it seriously.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to add this to the list of things he said. This was by far completely unacceptable; you don't just say that you're not surprised someone killed themselves.


  • 2020-03-31_14.00.43.png
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New Member
I'm going to add this to the list of things he said. This was by far completely unacceptable; you don't just say that you're not surprised someone killed themselves.
What? Kid, you really think trying to bend the situation to your liking is gunna work?
I don't even remember saying that, I prolly put it in the wrong chat LOL


TI1TED, if I were you I would just apologize and do not get lost in the details (also if someone says something clearly wrong just ignore him, staffers will take care)... just giving these advices to you because I have already passed trough this kind of stuff during 3 years of gameplay on loka, and also because I want you to get unmuted asap :)


New Member
TI1TED, if I were you I would just apologize and do not get lost in the details (also if someone says something clearly wrong just ignore him, staffers will take care)... just giving these advices to you because I have already passed trough this kind of stuff during 3 years of gameplay on loka, and also because I want you to get unmuted asap :)
I'm not giving any sort of apology until they clear up anything I've asked. I want to know how I harassed mindblaster and I want to know why they're muting me for saying ''poop''
It's kind of hard right now when I'm not being given any answers...


Well-Known Member
I'm not giving any sort of apology until they clear up anything I've asked. I want to know how I harassed mindblaster and I want to know why they're muting me for saying ''poop''
It's kind of hard right now when I'm not being given any answers...
They didn't mute you for saying poop and they've answered why you got muted. Go back and re-read the replies and you will find your answer.


New Member
They didn't mute you for saying poop and they've answered why you got muted. Go back and re-read the replies and you will find your answer.
They muted me before my perm muted, and then I stopped. The reasons they then gave me for my perm mute after my first mute were of me saying ''poop'' and ''harassing mindblaster''.
I wasn't harassing him, and the word poop is a phenomenally stupid reason for perm mute.
My point is that I didn't ignore the warnings after my first mute. I took it to heart and did by best to stop. Unfortunately, Magpie finds poop offensive.