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Permamute appeal

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Hello! I'm Bob the Builder and I'm going to tell you reasons why I should get unperm muted.

I was recently permuted on around the 26th of April for swearing too much in chat, I believe this mute was just as I was not complying to the ruleset however, I believe I should be given another chance to communicate with my friends in Loka.

The way I'll stop swearing in chat:

I'll firstly write my message with attempts to not produce any swear words in my text.
I will then review the text before sending it in chat to make sure it doesn't contain any swear words.
I will now enjoy speaking with loka players.

Other reasons I should be unmuted are:

Before my mute I showed little toxicity in my messages.
I attempted to emit positive text into global chat
I would personally like the ability to /msg my friends instead of DMing them in discord

Issues with the current perm mute:

You can't use /report
You can't type in ally chat in game but can in discord
Can't talk in duels (Probably intended but has the same situation as old pg being unmoderated)
You can't /link in town chat

Thank you for reading my post and please consider unmuting me


Well-Known Member
I don't think there's any real malicious intent here, if Bob continues swearing it's not hard to reimplement a perm mute with little overall harm done. I hope by now he's been able to improve his vocabulary and will learn to be careful in the future. Give the guy a second chance communication is what makes Loka fun +1


Active Member
Bob is not a toxic person, he may get mad a bit much but that’s normal for every person, I struggle with that same problem. He deserves to be taken off the PermMute list, but if continues then get added back :) so +1 from me :)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We are happy to lift the perma mute as the chat offences were not targeted at people, just high in frequency and quantity. Appreciate the effort you have put into the appeal and the positive messages you wrote in chat prior to the ban. Please try to stick to the chat rules as you will receive few warnings before being muted again.
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