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Suggestion PG Improvements/Ideas


Well-Known Member
It's no secret that PG is used alot, and this cool part of loka can be updated to house more of a consistent pot pvp community when they practice.
Some nice additions I'd like to see are:

A GUI showing Kills/Deaths/Killstreaks/Ect --->
Makes players strive for higher kills and stats

A Pot Refill Station/Ability --->
Currently you bow boost to die when your out of pots, this would allow you to keep going. Maybe refill signs with 3min cooldowns??

New Maps and Spawn Points--->
Instead of the centered spawnpoint spreading them out would allow for more 1v1 chances and doesnt make the map so clustered. This would also mimic other pvp servers.

Reopen the Chat Box With Filters Included--->
People want to talk when they practice, so I would remove the current chat restriction.

All this would make PG super cool and allow us to not advertise people to the conquest type backbone loka is, but also a straight pvp and practice one.


Well-Known Member
+1 I agree, a lot of people like to go onto other PvP-only servers to practice, and I think that Loka could easily pull these players over with PG. There is lots of potential in this, and Loka could easily be the go-to PvP practice server. I'd also like to suggest that the Hub in general should be a little better looking and have a dedicated area to go to into PG, or just build a /pvp hub seperate from the /hub itself. Another thing, configure the Bungeecord proxy to reconnect you to the last server that you were on inside of Loka's network. So, if you were connected to the PvP/Hub server when you logged out, reconnect you to the PvP/Hub server when you log back in. This would keep the practice people out of the main server.

I do like all your ideas though. PG could be much better and deserves an upgrade.


Staff member
Reopen the Chat Box With Filters Included--->

We're pretty strongly against this in the public PGs. I'd advise making use of private PGs if you want to do deep practice with free-chat available.

configure the Bungeecord proxy to reconnect you to the last server that you were on inside of Loka's network

It's a bug that this doesn't work already fwiw


Well-Known Member
Reopen the Chat Box With Filters Included--->
People want to talk when they practice, so I would remove the current chat restriction.
I agree. It's annoying to not be able to talk to people anymore especially when you're doing that friendly 1v1 or even 2v2. I've also noticed I sometimes can't even talk in my town or alliance chat because I'm "not in a town" in Proving Grounds which is annoying.
A Pot Refill Station/Ability --->
Currently you bow boost to die when your out of pots, this would allow you to keep going. Maybe refill signs with 3min cooldowns??
I agree. Some people can't bow boost because of the ping/bad at it, and it's just plain annoying rather then allowing me to refill in an area nearby instead of killing myself.
New Maps and Spawn Points--->
Instead of the centered spawnpoint spreading them out would allow for more 1v1 chances and doesnt make the map so clustered. This would also mimic other pvp servers.
Yes please. The current map isn't very fps friendly for one and annoying. The pond with lily pads is great, the only issue is that it has lily pads :mad:
I also think it's just an old map and time for a new one.


Well-Known Member
But yes, I'd love to see loka turn into a huge hub for pvp content, I think that the new ranked season and the consistency reworks should help with this goal.
I think that this is a logical next step for Loka's expansion (beyond the conquest server). I've seen multiple people who used to get on just for duels. A few months back, @Obstinance got on just to duel, and this is a really good option for people who like the PvP, but not the Survival aspect of Loka.