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Suggestion Placing Rivina on conquest truce


Active Member
During conquest truce, I believe that Rivina fights should still be allowed to happen and NOT use a lock.

I believe many people enjoy Rivina fights and would be nice for players to have some fun for the 3 days of no Conquest fights.

In the days of conquest truce it seems like the server has the least amount of players, so a few rivina fights would provide a great incentive to play.


Well-Known Member
+1 Conquest truce can be boring and this would provide a fun thing to do while we wait for the real month to begin.


Active Member
gank isles and conquest fights are 2 different things. There is no tgen/inhib to be attack or no loot that you wont lose
It’s something that i don’t think can be considered. Rivina having Conquest Points with a different amount per tile, it wouldn’t make sense to always allow pvp even through truce. The alliance that fought to defend/claim the 100 conquest point tile should be allowed to keep it through truce, since that’s how Rivina is supposed to work.


Active Member
It’s something that i don’t think can be considered. Rivina having Conquest Points with a different amount per tile, it wouldn’t make sense to always allow pvp even through truce. The alliance that fought to defend/claim the 100 conquest point tile should be allowed to keep it through truce, since that’s how Rivina is supposed to work.
I dont really think having either the 100 cp or 80 cp tile at the end of the month matters to any alliance/towns. People play rivinas for fun and thats why I think rivina placing should be also in conquest truce. (Last time when cryp made rivina placeable during conquest truce it got received well)


Well-Known Member
bro can yall really not live 3 days without conquest

if anything loka should use the amount of people agreeing with this as an opportunity to push more alternative content (ranked coming back more regularly on an actual consistent basis is a good start to say the least) ontop of that just other neat things to do on loka outside of grinding and conquest i suppose

rivina in truce not the answer tho lol


Well-Known Member
if anything loka should use the amount of people agreeing with this as an opportunity to push more alternative content
Hard agree with Lurnn here, I think the root of the issue isn't in Rivina needing to be a thing during truce (it definitely shouldn't be as it'd be hella broken for those days with alliances being changed), but instead lies in a lack of content for people to do. Hopefully another ranked season can get pushed on out, and with gank isle also coming soon this should also help.