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Playing under the influence

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Active Member
Hey everybody. This thread is about people playing on the server while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. We joke about it, but there are a handful of people that do it, and it's worth talking about.

I'm not gonna throw around any names, but there have been times when people have professed to drinking or using marijuana while they played, and it's noticeably affected their behavior, most of the time for the worse. My suggestion is that we simply make it a rule that, if you are doing that kind of thing while you're playing MC, to keep it to yourself. I personally am not all that perturbed by it, but there are a lot of younger players who we really shouldn't be exposing to that kind of thing.

Post yo thoughts, peeps.
Artagan said:
....but there are a lot of younger players who we really shouldn't be exposing to that kind of thing.

As a "younger player" I agree.
As a person who is more mature than most people my age, and is thinking of the people even younger than myself, I also agree.

So....I agree.
Well the minimum age at which you can join an online community is 13. I think most 13+ year olds are aware of the existence and effects of alcohol and illicit substances. Therefore there shouldn't be an issue.

Also this post is ridiculous...
adderman500 said:
Also this post is ridiculous...

This is hall monitor politics at its finest, we cannot police every little thing nor should we.

Please understand that Loka is one of the strictest servers out already. This sort of big brother mentality will scare off older player's. We cannot sanitize and whitewash everything that happens on a public server.

Even Disney movies have alcohol references.

While we are at it let's get rid of /suicide because it promotes suicide or get rid of nether because it might be offensive to some Christians. I bet Peta has issues with us killing animals for meat too.
6. No Swearing or Offensive Behaviour
6.1. Don't use any words in public chat that could be seen as offensive, as all ages play on the server.
6.2. No racist comments or any other kind of discrimination.
6.3. No offensive skins.
6.4. No offensive builds.

If a person is bullying, being disrespectful towards other players, or saying 'words in public chat that could be seen as offensive', I don't really think it matters if they're intoxicated or not. If they follow the rules of the server, I don't really see why we should care.

Nobody is saying we should stop people from even mentioning alcohol. Heck, that stuff is sometimes mentioned in RP.

Of course it'd be ridiculous to forbid people from drinking or doing drugs while they play, that's impossible to enforce and it's silly. This thread isn't about censoring people's ability to mention anything too harsh for a four year old's ears. The discussion I intended to prompt is about people doing that kind of thing while they play on the server, announcing it, and using it as an excuse to be belligerent and act offensively.

Lots of our rules are made with younger players in mind, and there are a number of kids younger than thirteen playing on the server whether they're our intended audience or not. Again, this thread is meant to be a discussion. Please don't just minimize the issue by saying it's ridiculous or out of left field.
adderman500 said:
Well the minimum age at which you can join an online community is 13.
Also this post is ridiculous...

Really? Worldwide or just where you live?
MinecraftJedi127 said:
adderman500 said:
Well the minimum age at which you can join an online community is 13.

Really? Worldwide or just where you live?
Worldwide. Hence why if you try to play RuneScape or join any other games clearly not age restricted because of content, you need to be 13 or over.

And Art, nobody ever announces that they are drunk or on drugs or whatever in the server chat etc. It rarely affects the experience of those on the server itself. Who it does affect are those people in the skype calls. But in those cases it's just straight up funny. The people on the skype calls can usually handle such behaviour. That's why this post is ridiculous, it just doesn't affect those people you are concerned about.
Oh memories of Loka after dark......


Food catch on fire...
Snoring on Skype calls
Someone stealing jungle saps
Someone having trouble climbing jungle trees
And so much more!

I <3 Loka after dark.
adderman500 said:
And Art, nobody ever announces that they are drunk or on drugs or whatever in the server chat etc. It rarely affects the experience of those on the server itself. Who it does affect are those people in the skype calls. But in those cases it's just straight up funny. The people on the skype calls can usually handle such behaviour. That's why this post is ridiculous, it just doesn't affect those people you are concerned about.

They do, though. I dunno if you personally have been around at the time, but it's not uncommon. Just looking at what Jedi's said should tell you how this affects younger players.

I'm thinking the opposition to talking about this is roughly falling into two camps. There are the people who find talking about people drinking or using drugs on the server to be an uncomfortable topic and respond by saying it's ridiculous and not worth talking about. And then there are the people who openly embrace drinking and using drugs on the server, and are just saying I'm being pettily restrictive of people's personal decisions when I say we ought to keep such information to ourselves.

The second one is a lot easier to address. I don't think we need rules restricting people talking about these things; the rules already cover offensive behavior, so when things cross that line the topic doesn't matter anyway. That's not what this thread is about. The issue comes when people make an event of it, when they announce that they're drunk or that they're high, and use it as an excuse to toe the line on how vulgar they can be without getting booted. And at the moment, you'd think they had good reason; higher admin's attitudes seems to be that, if someone is drunk, their behavior is much more forgivable.

As for the first one, I'd just ask that you make an attempt to say why you think the discussion is unwarranted, like adder, rather than just express your discontent and leave it at that.
I think this is simple and makes sense: Don't tell us if you're using drugs. How hard is that?
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