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No Plans to Implement Please allow the placing of blocks such as crafting tables brewing stands and other funny blocks on gank isle.


Active Member
man i just want to have fun... my master plan or making an auto brewer on gank isle ruined! and i cant even door pvp??? this is monotonous and should seriously be reconsidered
Best regards, moleratpvp


Well-Known Member
any reason? or just a mindless +1?
pls learn
1) im 99% sure i -1'd
2) theres just no point, what does this add other than pvp odd pvp that will eventually not be fun because people will build HCF style ganks, ruining zyre even further


Well-Known Member
it will make it very fun! and less dry (it is dryer than the sea of vanquish!)
I personally like Zyre in the state it's in, obviously it has bad points but so did End. You just have to go at the right times to get some fun pvp


Active Member
I personally like Zyre in the state it's in, obviously it has bad points but so did End. You just have to go at the right times to get some fun pvp
I Totally understand! but due to the repetitive fact of ganking is really becoming dry! and boring these items allow you to have more fun on zyre as a whole!


Well-Known Member
I Totally understand! but due to the repetitive fact of ganking is really becoming dry! and boring these items allow you to have more fun on zyre as a whole!
So you believe that simply being able to brew potions while ganking, will change ganking entirely?...


Well-Known Member
no its just like these blocks will make it more fun cuz its more of a meme and less serious
say that to the people that are in your gank constantly, getting annoyed because you're ruining actual pvp for ganks 🤣


Active Member
It is clear that Thepiggang has demonstrated a lack of intelligence and common sense on multiple occasions. This can be seen in the way he talks and acts, as well as in the decisions he makes.

For example, he has been known to make reckless and impulsive decisions without considering the consequences. He has also been prone to making careless mistakes and failing to learn from his past errors.

In addition, Thepiggang often struggles to understand complex ideas and to think critically about important issues. He frequently relies on others to make decisions for him and lacks the ability to think for himself.

Overall, it is clear that Thepiggang lacks the brainpower and mental acuity that are necessary for success in life. He would benefit from seeking help and learning how to improve his cognitive abilities.