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Implemented Please fixed rank matchmaking


I'm really tired of winning one or two matches (as a wood) then facing a copper 1 or 2, I dont think its fair to put wood against coppers. I do not know if this a problem for higher ranks but its keeping us lower ranks staying at the bottom.


Staff member
We typically had a wider gap allowed for low-ranked matches because there were often fewer players at that level queuing and not having it sometimes meant people get hard stuck with almost nobody to queue for down there. There was also a fairly wide skill gap at that level compared to how tight the high ranks are.

Given the higher numbers of players in our ladder, I have lowered this gap a bit, but this may come at the cost of getting fewer matches.
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We typically had a wider gap allowed for low-ranked matches because there were often fewer players at that level queuing and not having it sometimes meant people get hard stuck with almost nobody to queue for down there. There was also a fairly wide skill gap at that level compared to how tight the high ranks are. It's possible now that so many people are in the ladder we can lower this gap a bit more.

I have lowered this gap a bit, but this may come at the cost of getting fewer matches.
Thank you