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Suggestion Potion Counter (not sure if this is already allowed cuz i do not know if it counts as a potion indicator or something else entirely)


Well-Known Member
Name: Potion counter
Link: https://modrinth.com/mod/potioncounter
Description: configurable hud mod that displays how many of a specific potion you have left on a visible area of your screen
Potion Counter is a simple QoL mod that show how many potions you have left in your inventory!


  • Show upgraded potions (with redstone and glowstone)
  • Changeable position in the HUD
  • Potion effects can be disabled individually

Reason: since mod restrictions have been relaxed, i was wondering if this mod would be included in the newly allowed ones. its pretty simple and apart of clients people already play loka on, such as lunar. only shows the potions in your inventory of course, and i dont see it as any major advantage, when compared to the newly allowed ones.