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Praise the Sun



Chapter 1: A Cold Kalrosian Morning

The sharp pop of a nearby cauldron awoke Nate from his sleep. He had always found it easy to fall asleep near the roaring fires of his brewery. Rubbing his eyes he looked at a small pocket watch from his close friend Firefrostdragon. “Ah, shit!” He sighed. This would be the 3rd batch of Golden mead he had botched in the last week. Time always seemed to slip away from him while brewing, one minute he’d be dumping ingredients into a cauldron to boil the next he’d wake up to a chest full of alcohol. He’d been brewing in Kalros for quite some time, building his stockpile and enjoying tours of the nearby towns. “6 am? Guess I still have time to catch the sunrise” he murmured to himself. Grabbing a spade from a nearby chest, he dug away the patch of snow that covered his entrance only to find the friendly face of ChessLlama staring back at him. “Oh hi Nate!” he exclaimed. “Dude, it’s 6 in the morning, what the heck are you doing here?” “Just thought I’d stop by and drop off a couple of beetroot seeds, check on my friend, nothing new.” Chess said happily. ChessLlama was one of the few Lokans who knew the location of Nate’s nomad base, as he was a supporter of the arts and a brewer himself. “Beetroot seeds huh? Your generosity is appreciated as usual. Why don’t you come in and have a drink?” “You know I’m not a drinker Nate. Especially at 6 am!” laughed Chess. “That’s fair,” Nate said, stepping out of his cozy home and into the biting cold of the Kalros morning. “It’s on mornings like these when I really wish I knew how to brew coffee!” Nate exclaimed through chattering teeth.

Gazing up at the rising sun reminded him of simpler times when he lived in Haru Nova. God how he missed the place. Although it couldn’t rival the majesty of towns like Silverhand or Eldritch, nor could it boast the complexity of Auru or Hilo, it was a quaint place filled with fond memories of his experiences on Loka. He and his town mates would get up early just to watch the sunrise before setting to work with the daily business of the town. Back then he had a purpose, and something worth fighting for. It had become harder to get out of bed in the mornings, his motivation seemingly nonexistent. Chess must have noticed he was starting to zone out because he was looking at him with a puzzled expression. “You alright Natey?” “Yeah, all good here” replied Nate with a fake smile. “You know you're always welcome in Spectros right?” “Of course Chess, but I'm happy where I'm at right now.” “Sure,” said Chess with a slightly dejected expression on his face “but if you're interested my door is always open. Although I should probably head back, it's a long flight and my town members might get suspicious.” “Thanks, Chess,” said Nate with a smile on his face. With one last look, Chess took a running leap, the wings of his elytra spread casting a bird-like shadow on the ground, and he vanished into the mountains.

Walking down the stairs into his base, Nate cracked open Grubul's book and thumbed through its pages before coming to rest on a favorite of his, Fine Sake. Smiling, he gently closed the book and placed it upon a nearby shelf. Looking in his chest, Nate realized he was out of seeds. Advancing quickly into the next room, Nate began the tedious process of harvesting the wheat he had planted. Nate began to lose himself in his work, his mind slowly drifting towards Haru Nova. He and his town mates had established the order of the Servants of Time there, as they had always had a firm belief in time’s ability to change circumstances. Nate had always been particularly fascinated with the Sun. It brought light upon the world everyday and it was the very thing that time was based on. The Sun was the giver of life and was to be treated as such. “Damn,” he muttered to himself,”That's what the king always taught me.” His former king, of course, was Preksak or perhaps a clone. Since regaining his memory, Nate began to realize how much of Presak’s philosophies had rubbed off on him. The guy was a father to him! Yet it seemed the people of Loka hated him with a passion, that much had become clear early on in his studies. His allegiance had always been shaky since he arrived. The Elder Cryptite had always been kind to him, even sharing a personal conversation occasionally, but Preksak was his king and his allegiance should lie with him. Quickly removing the thought from his head, Nate began to work on brewing his prized sake. Of all the things that had changed for Nate in the past 7 months, he kept one thing constant, his love of the sun. Smiling to himself, he picked a piece of scrap paper and inscribed the words, “Praise the Sun!” before tacking it above his bed. With that, Nate pulled the finished sake out of the distillery and stepped outside, smiling at the sun.
Chapter II: The Part Where Stuff Gets Weird

The whole thing was supposed to go off without a hitch, but as with most large events, it didn’t. It had been about 2 months since Nate decided to rehost his now famous LokaFest, and Silverhand would be its home. Mrpisquallie was renown for hosting the Silverhand combat tournaments, so it seemed like a logical choice to enlist his help with the festivities. The planning was nothing short of extraordinary, and the day had finally come for their hard work to come to fruition. “Here they come boys!” said Nate, glancing up at his pocket watch. The portal shuddered and began to glow softly, and Lokans began to pour out. He had expected a crowd, but nothing of this magnitude. “This way to the trivia!” Nate called out. Within 5 minutes, everyone was ready for the first event. A beaming young wizard stood at the podium, books flying around him. “Quiet!” yelled the wizard, but his voice was lost in the crowd. Nate made eye contact with the wizard and gave him a smile and a nod. A wicked smile spread across the wizard's face, twirling the Sunstone staff in his hand, he muttered a simple spell before slamming it into the ground. The roar of fire filled the air and a column of flame spewed out of the staff. The Lokans went silent. Nate shook his head in silence, he had never much-understood magic or its wielders. The festival had begun, Tee’s trivia went by like a flash, and soon it was time for the brewing competition. That’s where things got weird, really weird. Ingredients went missing, hoppers starting breaking, redstone was sparking and sporadic. Nate sprinted off to the redstone beneath the ground to attempt to fix the issues. “Holy mother…” his voice trailed off before him was a mess of wires and redstone and it was all smoking. Running a quick diagnostic check, Nate began to rewire and restart the systems. Laying 4 final pieces of dust, Nate wiped the sweat from his brow and prepared to perform a full restart. “Alright, here goes noth…”


Reboot complete

Trying to establish a connection


Connection failed

Switching to offline mode

Vital signs normal

Armor Status: Broken

Attempting to establish video uplink

Uplink failed

The fall had felt like an hour. He probably shouldn’t have survived. He stood up. Brain racing. Blood pumping. In that moment, he knew he was alone. “Focus, Nate, Focus! Now, where am I?” He took a deep breath, “A cave, I’m in a damn cave…” There was nothing Nate hated more than enclosed spaces, except maybe snakes. The cave was small, around 2 meters tall, and 6 meters in diameter and there seemed to only be one entrance, straight ahead. Glancing up, difficult as it was being slightly over 6m tall, Nate noticed the entrance he had fallen through had been closed off. “Ok… That’s not normal.” Of course, it was normal, it was probably a simple piston door, but something seemed off about it. Checking around the ceiling, Nate discovered the whole chamber was seamless, meaning that there was no way pistons could have pushed the rock back into place. Taking one final glance around the cave, he turned towards his only exit. “As they always say, the only way out is through,” he said with a sigh, Nate booted up his data tablet again and enabled the tracking feature and sent out another distress signal. He had tried to establish contact with Ben earlier, but to no avail, the Valentians would not be there to save the day. Of course, he had to be dropped into the crevasse in the middle of his prized festival, it was just his luck. Continuing down the corridor, Nate constantly checked his surroundings, the walls were solid Andesite, lighting came from a small flashlight on his data tablet. Ahead he heard a roaring sound, like a waterfall. To his delight, he was correct. The corridor had opened into a larger, well-lit space with a magnificent waterfall pouring from a nearby wall, and above the waterfall, iron bars. He had found the sewers of Silverhand! Surely he could quickly navigate back to the surface from here! Although he had no idea the sewers extended down this far, he was hopeful it would only be a matter of time before he could rejoin his friends. Walking over to the waterfall, he found a rusty ladder nearby which he used to tentatively climb to the bars. Now he had a decision to make, he could use the laser on his tablet to quickly slice an opening in the bars, however, such an act would drain his battery to near dead, or he could waste his own energy, attempt to build a pickaxe, and break through the bars himself. Deciding to risk it, he pulled out his tablet and sliced a hole through the bars. “Battery low, 5% remaining, switching to low power mode to conserve energy,” came a robotic voice from the tablet. “Almost there,” Nate said, slipping through the hole he’d cut himself. “Now to find a way out of here” Following the tunnel, he soon entered a larger cavern with many sewer tunnels extending from the center. Nate’s instincts told him that there should be a maintenance entrance somewhere nearby. Scanning the environment he was able to locate several old control panels and a maintenance ladder. The bridge looked old and unstable, but Nate figured he’d have to try his best to make it across in one piece. He had some knowledge of structural engineering from his days designing knives, but he was no expert. What he did know, however, was that pressure was a factor of force and the surface area of the object. Meaning his best chance of survival was to shed any excess weight and crawl across. Tossing his bag to the other side, Nate began to crawl on all fours across the bridge, hoping he’d make it across. Luckily, the crossing went off without much trouble. “I’ll have to thank Crypt next time I see him, that is if he has any influence wherever the heck I am.” Picking up his bag, Nate began to start up the maintenance ladder only to have it disintegrate the moment he touched it. “Shit,” Nate muttered. The only other way out was straight up the pipes. Having spent a majority of his life behind a computer, in the lab, or brewing booze, Nate was not exactly athletic, although he had put on some muscle during his time as a nomad. Psyching himself up, Nate calculated the quickest way to the hatch. With a running start, he leaped on to the pipe just left of the control panel and began to climb. He made his way to the ceiling and began to shuffle along the pipe towards the maintenance hatch. Nate would look back at the moment that followed as possibly the worst decision he had ever made. The pipe collapsed under his weight, only inches from the hatch which should have sent him to the bottom of the sewers, never to be found again. Someone burst through the hatch, and with impossibly fast reflexes caught Nate. Looking up at the face of his savior, a wash of emotions pulsed through his body. Anger and fear coursed in his veins and in that moment Nate knew he should kill him. He hesitated. A tall man, chiseled chin, dark beard, piercing blue eyes, with a regal sense of self was grasping his hand. Preksak had come to his rescue...