Hi there,
So the thought is a value stamped on towns. For now I'll use the name "Renown" cause that's a word and it almost fits the concept.
What does it do?
Renown is a value that the server uses to determine the access towns have to some cool things that towns would like access to. Renown degrades over time if you don't go for successive objectives. So long as you're catching these missions, your town gets access to more and more things. Examples being
How do you get it?
Get your town some brownie points by completing PvE objectives delivered to the city every week/month/time-frame. Some of these quests being
So the thought is a value stamped on towns. For now I'll use the name "Renown" cause that's a word and it almost fits the concept.
What does it do?
Renown is a value that the server uses to determine the access towns have to some cool things that towns would like access to. Renown degrades over time if you don't go for successive objectives. So long as you're catching these missions, your town gets access to more and more things. Examples being
- Can change your color from gray/white/black to something cooler with ./g color
- You get some cool trumpets or something whenever your town shows up in chat for a reason
- Your religion does something
- Your religion does something
- Your members get a different color to their name when looking over selling goods at the market
- Little differences in NPC scripts to show progression "Ah, you're from X-ville, always wanted to visit"
- More NPCs in town?!?!?!
- Access to a few *exquisite* custom heads that they could pick up
How do you get it?
Get your town some brownie points by completing PvE objectives delivered to the city every week/month/time-frame. Some of these quests being
- Acquire this thing
- Kill these mobs
- Don't forget the small ones
- Visit the long lost ruins of X-town
- Discover the snowy ridges of northern ascalon
- Convert the heathens of the neighboring village
- Implement a religion system that does something
- Expand the border
- Host a server event
- Get rich in shards