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Consider Implementing Prestige, But For Towns


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

So the thought is a value stamped on towns. For now I'll use the name "Renown" cause that's a word and it almost fits the concept.

What does it do?
Renown is a value that the server uses to determine the access towns have to some cool things that towns would like access to. Renown degrades over time if you don't go for successive objectives. So long as you're catching these missions, your town gets access to more and more things. Examples being
  • Can change your color from gray/white/black to something cooler with ./g color
  • You get some cool trumpets or something whenever your town shows up in chat for a reason
  • Your religion does something
  • Your religion does something
  • Your members get a different color to their name when looking over selling goods at the market
  • Little differences in NPC scripts to show progression "Ah, you're from X-ville, always wanted to visit"
  • More NPCs in town?!?!?!
  • Access to a few *exquisite* custom heads that they could pick up
*Note there are no first place prizes going out, just progression within the town itself.

How do you get it?
Get your town some brownie points by completing PvE objectives delivered to the city every week/month/time-frame. Some of these quests being
  • Acquire this thing
  • Kill these mobs
  • Don't forget the small ones
  • Visit the long lost ruins of X-town
  • Discover the snowy ridges of northern ascalon
  • Convert the heathens of the neighboring village
  • Implement a religion system that does something
  • Expand the border
  • Host a server event
  • Get rich in shards
That's what I've got. Many thanks for reading :) -M
+1, I too would appreciate a religion system that does something

I feel like this suggestion almost falls in the kinda area as a daily quest with a little bit of randomisation, sounds awesome and would add a lot of unique aspects to the game that I would personally really like to see :), none of this looks to out of the world either; good suggestion mason !
I like the perks mentioned, but I feel they would be better fit to add to an existing system rather than give people a new "currency" system to work through.
+1, I too would appreciate a religion system that does something

I feel like this suggestion almost falls in the kinda area as a daily quest with a little bit of randomisation, sounds awesome and would add a lot of unique aspects to the game that I would personally really like to see :), none of this looks to out of the world either; good suggestion mason !
No koi don’t start using large text it’s a disease now
I like the perks mentioned, but I feel they would be better fit to add to an existing system rather than give people a new "currency" system to work through.

That's a fair point. We definitely don't want to add too many levers, or else we risk confusion. I would like to try and counter that with this.

Currency is a must. It runs the town, works as the primary medium of exchange, it's great. However, I don't think it's the best fit for this set of objectives and rewards. The way I imagine adding this system in terms of currency is completing town objectives for cash, then buying the ranks to progress. That's great and all but it feels less fun and less dynamic. The easy path is to grind out the most profitable thing (RI) until you reach the amount you'd like. To me that sounds like a grind.

You could say the town levels are a similar form to renown. But there are a few difficulties in town level that renown covers.
  • Differing objectives prevent grinding [ex. Railroad spam]
  • Objectives are always obtainable in a reasonable amount of time. [Getting from lvl 24 to 25 takes ages without grind]
  • Because renown degrades if not kept up, there's no dead stop to the progression [after reaching lvl 25, no further benefits]
  • Large towns can't rush a new village's level by throwing iron/wheat at it
  • It's just more fun [I could cut 30 trees for a logging level or I could go explore some ruins, trade for some beetroots, etc]
At the moment, we're giving a number of these advantages away for free. If we'd like trade, exploration, religion content, PvE experience in general, perhaps it's worth developing a mechanic that keeps players on their toes, and lets the new players have an answer to that famous "What do I do now?" question.
That's a fair point. We definitely don't want to add too many levers, or else we risk confusion. I would like to try and counter that with this.

Currency is a must. It runs the town, works as the primary medium of exchange, it's great. However, I don't think it's the best fit for this set of objectives and rewards. The way I imagine adding this system in terms of currency is completing town objectives for cash, then buying the ranks to progress. That's great and all but it feels less fun and less dynamic. The easy path is to grind out the most profitable thing (RI) until you reach the amount you'd like. To me that sounds like a grind.

You could say the town levels are a similar form to renown. But there are a few difficulties in town level that renown covers.
  • Differing objectives prevent grinding [ex. Railroad spam]
  • Objectives are always obtainable in a reasonable amount of time. [Getting from lvl 24 to 25 takes ages without grind]
  • Because renown degrades if not kept up, there's no dead stop to the progression [after reaching lvl 25, no further benefits]
  • Large towns can't rush a new village's level by throwing iron/wheat at it
  • It's just more fun [I could cut 30 trees for a logging level or I could go explore some ruins, trade for some beetroots, etc]
At the moment, we're giving a number of these advantages away for free. If we'd like trade, exploration, religion content, PvE experience in general, perhaps it's worth developing a mechanic that keeps players on their toes, and lets the new players have an answer to that famous "What do I do now?" question.
Well written. Valid points here, it's growing on me!
Some of the concepts here are good and will likely be looked into when we revisit town progression as a whole. Much like religion, which you also mention, this probably won't be added in the immediate future but it is something we are looking at.