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Suggestion Prestige Caps for Quests


Well-Known Member
Prestige is a great tool for quests, allowing you to lock quests behind some sort of a progression system. That also gives you a more clearly defined progression system for town members to do things like level up in the town or earn gear and items through prestige stores (in a less intuitive way). But there is a problem with this system that I'll show with a possible situation.

When setting up quests for players to complete to reach a certain amount of prestige (say 300) to reach level 3 in the town, I may say only players with above 200 prestige can do this quest to help them grind their way up to that level. That's good! Now players can grind up to that level. But now every player above 200 prestige can grind that quest for more levels. That's not good! I don't want someone reaching level 4 by grinding the quest I made for level 2 players to grind.

So it would be terrific if we could define a minimum and maximum amount of prestige required for players to accept a quest. This way only level 2 players can accept certain quests, not level 2 and above. this way as you progress through the town you can force players to take on more challenging quests to earn more prestige and progress further. I also have another pretty awesome application of this feature in my head, but I can't have all these forums kids stealing my ideas. So yes prestige floor and cap thank you.
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