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Implemented Prevent players from using guide chat while in PG


Active Member
From what I've seen, there's absolutely no reason for people in pg or duels to use guide chat, other than to talk to players not in their alliance, which directly goes around the idea of only having /qc as messages you can send to other players.

So just remove guide chat while connected to the pvp server.


Well-Known Member
The way I see guide chat is for more of a Q&A type chat. From what I've heard it's closely moderated, so if you want to help a new player while in PG I say, go right ahead.


Active Member
The way I see guide chat is for more of a Q&A type chat. From what I've heard it's closely moderated, so if you want to help a new player while in PG I say, go right ahead.
i've never seen someone use guide chat while in pg for anything except talking about pvp stuff to be toxic or just to talk to someone (new and old players)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
The argument could be made that guides who are on the PvP server can help those on Loka who have questions. But on reflection, there should be more than enough guides around that this shouldn't be necessary. We agree that the best thing to do is to remove that chat channel from the PvP server.