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Implement in Future Prioritize Book Enchants In VS


Well-Known Member
First, let me start by defining what I mean by "prioritize books." In Void storage, books are sorted by some metric (unknown to me) leaving commonly sought-after books hidden inside the copious stacks of trident and bow enchants. (I've included some screenshots of unbreaking sorted as a riptide enchantment and looting 3 as impaling)
My suggestion is to do one of two things:

- When looking in void storage, automatically pull up all the books with the enchant selected from the edit menu

- Simply change the weights of enchantments to be sorted based on how valuable or useful they are. (unbreaking as a much higher weight than trident enchants, smite, bane, etc)

Not sure if these are the best ways of going about book sorting, so put better suggestions in the replies.

This is a really great suggestion and something that I would really like to see in the future and I really like the system you have envisioned. I would also suggest that this system would take the primary enchant (the first one) on each book and auto-sort the books that way when you normally click on your enchanted book void storage, then you could also set it up to sort by the enchants on each book. Ie. it takes ALL unbreaking books and shows them to you sorted based off of the book's enchant level. This would cause some technical difficulties especially if it is bringing up every single unbreaking book across your whole void storage, but I think this could be stopped by simply disabling other chests with that item in it while you are bringing all the unbreaking books up. This would significantly help with book storage in the future and I could see this benefiting almost everybody, however I have brought some similar suggestions up before in LCR meetings and Crypt/Mag said it would be quite hard to implement. Nonetheless, still a good suggestion.
First, let me start by defining what I mean by "prioritize books." In Void storage, books are sorted by some metric (unknown to me) leaving commonly sought-after books hidden inside the copious stacks of trident and bow enchants. (I've included some screenshots of unbreaking sorted as a riptide enchantment and looting 3 as impaling)
My suggestion is to do one of two things:

- When looking in void storage, automatically pull up all the books with the enchant selected from the edit menu

- Simply change the weights of enchantments to be sorted based on how valuable or useful they are. (unbreaking as a much higher weight than trident enchants, smite, bane, etc)
YES. Thorns, Unbreaking, Feather Falling. Make trident enchants should always be the last prioritized thing in Void Storage. To go more in depth than Froggy other books like Bane of Arthropods, Blast Protection, Smite, Fire Protection, and Projectile Protection as they are not utilized nearly as much. Same thing with enchants used on bows and crossbows. I have spent HOURS going through the enchanted books because of this. It would be incredibly helpful.
This is something that would like to do in a perfect world, along with more void storage support for custom items. There came a point when developing this feature where we had to stop and call it done. Support for things like this is not trivial and takes time, certainly a nice to have but not a priority of ours currently.