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protection announcement


I notice heard the idea of getting a announcement when you enter someone's protection..

Example: "now entering the protection of century"

For the four main classes of towns, that might be a fun addition.
I have mixed feelings about this. This also would work as a beacon to attract where "So and so's town is near here!" And that would make it easier to find towns that would rather not be discovered. It is, however, a neat thing to be walking into the gates of a city " You are now in Hyrule". But im leaning more towards the No.
I'd always intended that, if we ever added a "you are entering _____", that it would be something you could turn on/off via your gen.
I have nothing against this idea, but I think if there is a toggle for announcements that it isn't by the generator, but the player.
I wouldn't mind it, but keep in mind that some towns wouldn't like to be easily found. In any case, make it as you say Crypt, with an option to turn it off from your gen.