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Prowess Bags


New Member
Prowess can be converted into prowess bags at the vendor.

These bags can be gained in various sizes, such as 10 Prowess (brick), 50 Prowess (netherbrick) or 100 Prowess (book). They cannot be faked since they get a custom lore, describing how much they are worth. You can right click them to get them back into your prowess account.

So yeah... this was just an idea to improve trading.
Interesting idea, but Prowess is meant to be a currency that is a reward for your accomplishments. If it were tradeable, then people would have PvP gear without needing to do any of it by themselves and it somewhat defeats the purpose.

That said, when a certain PvE update comes out and yields lots of unique and custom loot, I think there'll be lots of opportunities for trade then :>
Killing custom mobs with backstories, going into special dungeons. Seems like you should get something special outta that kind of thing doesn't it?
PvE will have more lore related to it, hence the custom loot. It is intended to reward people for the 'quests' or accomplishments in their trials.

PvP essentially has custom loot also. The Gladiator gear available at the prowess vendor is purchasable only with the prowess you earn for your time and effort in BG/Arena. It isn't anything spectacular but it is custom and specific to the PvP game types.

I see what you're saying though. Why should those that take part in PvE quests/instances/tasks get better stuff than those that excel in PvP? Perhaps if Crypt sees it as an imbalance there might be an implementation to compensate. Maybe there will be a 'Heroic' currency for rare accomplishments in PvP that can be used to buy equally rare gear at a specific Vendor. Until people are able to be rewarded on both fronts though, I wonder if he would want something like that.

Opinions, Crypt?
I have no problem with trying to make sure we have (more?) custom/rare loot for PvP if we're going to add a bunch to PvE. That said, PvP is a limited thing with extremely light lore surrounding it. PvE, on the other hand will probably outnumber PvP content pretty quick by its own nature.
I'm in full agreeance. There's just too much to be involved with PvE that it wouldn't merit exponentially more, though I'd be interested to see a few treasures made available for PvP of course. Regardless of what you do...

Oh yeah, sorry, I didn't understand you counted renamed diamond armour as custom, I thought you meant stuff like spells or custom Enchantements. But I honestly agree that there should be more buyable things with prowess.