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PvE Arena


New Member
PvE Arenas consist of two types: Arenas and Raids.
You are able to join one by getting ticket that costs prowess and do /pve, which has a similiar menu to /pvp.

Arenas, as you might've guessed, work like normal mob arenas. Waves upon waves of ai enemies which get progressively better. Every wave gives your town PvE experience, and every five waves you get prowess.

Raids are more complicated. Compared to arenas these are more like marathons and you only get experience and prowess by completing sections of the raid, and you get of course a jackpot if you should manage to complete it. On your way to get to the big money you will be dealing with various tasks. Sometimes you only have to rush through and kill some enemies, but other times you have to mine through blockages while fending off troops or try to get your loot to your escape boat.

Another idea I had was 'enemy elites'. They work like mini-mini bosses, each having a specific role:

Ability: Summon 5 Skeletons, each having leather armour. Three have stone swords and the other two bows.
Mob: Wither Skeleton with dark protection 2 armour and power 1 bow.
Behaviour: The Necromancer will keep a certain distance from the player while shooting powered arrows, but it will go hide once it has low health. Engaging it in close range will cut down the ability cooldown.

Ability: (passive) Riot shield, the powerhouse carries a large shield that negates knockback and halves arrow damage.
Mob: Zombie with protection 1 iron armour. The boots also have projectile resistance 1.
Behaviour: The Powerhouse slowly approuches the group of players, trying to corner them and get them overwhelmed. It carries a knockback 1 sign.

Ability: The Snapper jumps at a player, pinning them down and injecting poison (slowness 4 and poison 2 for 5 seconds).
Mob: Invisible cave spider.
Behaviour: The Snapper enters through small sidespaces like vents or holes when in raid to tackle a player, leaving them vulnerable. However, once the spider has attacked a player it turns visible and keeps attacking the pinned down player, ignoring anybody else. It has only two hearts.

Ability: Turn into an unmovable blaze and shoot a storm of arrows and fireballs towards any player in sight.
Mob: Pigman wielding a wooden axe.
Behaviour: The pigman has 30 hearts. If left alone for 17 seconds it will use its ability and turn into a death machine.

1) Spits hot fire on the ground. If a player touches it, they burn.
2) Spews fire charges at the players.
3) Incendiary explosion that sets players caught in it on fire, quicker fuse time.
Mob: Charged Creeper with smoke particles and additional health.
Behaviour: The arsonist will try to move to the front as quickly as possible while keeping about 8 blocks of distance from the players.

Ability: Passive increased range, faster arrow speed and pinpoint accuracy, but slower fire rate.
Mob: Skeleton with protection 1 gold armour and power 4 bow.
Behaviour: The Sniper acts like a normal skeleton, but spawns on unreachable places in Raid, which forces the player to shoot it with a bow.
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Pretty nice ideas! We're nursing a few thoughts similar to these for PvE. Unfortunately it's just not high in the queue of updates necessary at the moment but it is a long awaited and anticipated update!

Crypt works unbelievably hard on everything so rest assured it's on its way. I really like seeing ideas like this in order to foster a complete PvE update to tailor toward everyone's preferences. Instance based raids would be a great thing to see. It would be similar to short adventure maps developed by the team in order for people to play and earn rewards.

One thing I hadn't considered was the use of prowess to buy a ticket, though that would force people to play PvP. We would need alternative methods to earn prowess in that instance but it's an awesome idea!
Thanks for your support guys!

@Master I think a ticket system would be a nice idea to add another thing to trade for and to make PvE special. Raids in my opinion shouldn't be something that can be done every single day, but instead to be hard worked for. Arena tickets should be around 20 prowess and raids maybe around 100? Not sure, I am no good at balancing.

But I'd be happy either way to assist in making maps. Speaking of which, I got an old sewer map which could be used as an arena. Its not really big, but one guy complained once that it was too confusing, like a maze.