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Pxnda's UnMute Appeal

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New Member
Hello admins,

This has not been the first time I have been muted on a server before I'm sorry to say. However, I always learn my lesson and understand that saying such words that contain vulgar language or inappropriate language is never ok. The reason for my mute on November 4 2021 was because I've had said something to greet a fellow town owner who was gone for a while. I got super excited and was about to greet my mate like I would in real life. This did not go as planned because I was on public chat instead of town chat. I know I have messed up big time if anything this was an accident and the words I said was not of racist intent. If I did offend anyone who got angery or hurt for me greeting my friend I'd like to say truly that I'm sorry. No matter I believe this is a huge misunderstanding and would like a second chance to become good.

Have a open mind,


Well-Known Member



New Member
so theres blatant proof that u were racist and u said the jacking thing and u dont say that cuz its weird and some people in the community are under the age of 13.


Active Member
It seems like you purposely responded to him in guide chat? Even so saying this in any chat is not appropriate at all.


New Member
who greets a friend like that
wrong one that was the time when the person called out ppl of african decent it got to me and I apologized for that I am talking about my perma mute not that guide thing which was started by someone else


Well-Known Member
wrong one i was fighting racism with racism which was not nice
That's not the point, you were warned multiple times for other chat offenses and clearly ignored them. The guide chat incident happened literally 4 days and you were warned.
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