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Q: Rule 1.15: No Piston-based entry (poking holes in walls)


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming this rule is partly meant to deal with slime block and piston planes in 1.8. If this is true, is flying a plane over a town and jumping down legal? It is piston-based entry but does not poke a hole in a wall and the plane will keep going so it's not a bridge.


Staff member
This isn't in preparation for 1.8, but we're certainly going to have convene a Council of the Staff in terms of slime block contraptions. Given the trend of late on rules though, I'm iffy on those plans being allowed to jump into towns from above, given it'll require every town to... have a dome.


Well-Known Member
A number of towns already have those horrid flat walls and glass roofs. It makes me cry.


Well-Known Member
People just need to play more smartly. You need to have a Defense 101 course available.


Active Member
Another problem is people don't want to have to lock every single thing they have up in an underground vault. Raiders have a tendency to clean people out for no other reason than to troll them. My excess stores of food aren't particularly important but I don't feel it should be necessary that every stack be under lock and key.

Additionally, what is the point in towns of people can come and go as they please? Even if I have everything locked down, I don't want some random person running around inside my walls because they found a way in.

All this requires fugly domes or an insane amount of effort to create an enclosed city that still looks good. It's unrealistic. I'm a fan of Raiders being able to do their thing but in a place full of advanced raiders it renders normal gameplay unenjoyable if every move is in paranoia. Yes, that thrill is part of the fun but also part of the reason fewer stay after falling victim to raids.


Active Member
A town with standard walls and a secure vault needs to be enough if you want to stop ugly cubes/prisms/domes. If it isn't, then people are going to keep sacrificing aesthetics for defence. It's that simple.

Territories were partially intended to make up for raiding towns being made far more difficult (i.e. a town with high walls and a decent vault being virtually unraidable).

This topic has been discussed ad nauseam, imo.