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Implement in Future Quality of Life - Old Worlds


Well-Known Member
These are some pretty minor suggestions that I feel would collectively add a lot to the old world feature of Loka. Currently as it stands it's considerably bare-bones with little guidance or introduction.

These are just bullet points of ideas which will be expanded on further down.
  • Warps
  • World Map
  • Access to Global Chat
  • Exploring Achievements
Warps - This would just be adding warps to each individual place worth note (large towns, interesting builds or worth note areas). The only current way to travel around these worlds are through flying to the coords we have knowledge of. From my perspective this is discouraging towards anybody without links to knowledge (new players). If this suggestion was to be implemented I'd suggest giving the Librarians access and the task of managing this.

World Map - This would be of use as it allows players to view the world fully; distance between towns, the full scale of some builds. As well as this the map would not need to be constantly updated.

Access to Global Chat - I understand that this suggestion isn't exactly lore friendly. However, there is no reason for practicality these players shouldn't be able to communicate with Global chat.

Exploring Achievements - This is purely incentive to explore the old worlds. I feel as if it adds a minor reason or linear path to aim for seeing these additions.


Well-Known Member
Also another idea to add to this: The ability to /tpa or /tpahere

ItsI worth mentioning the reason I didn't suggest adding tppos was it could possibly take away from certain things like mazes etc. However, that's really the only reason.


Well-Known Member
I do like some of these ideas. However, tpa and tpahere will take away the realist aspect of the game. Since continents cant invade each other anymore (which I really want brought back), I heavily recommend against this because it won't allow us to travel through the mainland of these continents anymore. Roads and signs will become inactive and not useful. Also, it would away from the fun of going past ancient ruins of cities, and would also take away traveling aspect as a whole.


Well-Known Member
I do like some of these ideas. However, tpa and tpahere will take away the realist aspect of the game. Since continents cant invade each other anymore (which I really want brought back), I heavily recommend against this because it won't allow us to travel through the mainland of these continents anymore. Roads and signs will become inactive and not useful. Also, it would away from the fun of going past ancient ruins of cities, and would also take away traveling aspect as a whole.

This is for visiting the old worlds in the museum, not for the conquest server. Museums should be easy and simple to get from exhibit to exhibit. You should be encouraged to explore all the nooks and crannies of those if you want to. Some people want to be in groups to fan out and see all the cool things and quickly get back together to see the new things they found. Making things have that amount of simplicity encourages people who are less hardcore about all the small things to still want to go and not feel bored as they wander over thousands of blocks of almost nothing

tpa and tpahere as it normally is on other servers should never be an aspect of the main server