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Suggestion Radars In Completely "Locked" Territories


New Member
As many members may already know there is a certain person running around breaking radars for the fun of it. This is completely legal but I suggest that radars placed in "Locked" territories (ones that are completely surrounded) should be immune to individual raiding. That way one can maintain radars easier (they cant all go down when a town is offline at night etc) but by taking surrounding territories those radars and the protection they would become provide become vulnerable. Of corse radars in non "locked" territories would be as radars are now vulnerable to anyone who want to take them down. Its really tiring to keep wasting shards on radars to suddenly log on the next morning and have them not be there I feel this would be a good solution to that problem.


Well-Known Member
I think this is a great idea, it means some diligence as a raider can make your life easier, but at the same time, you can't completely take out a towns ability to monitor activity.


Well-Known Member
I think this is a great idea, it means some diligence as a raider can make your life easier, but at the same time, you can't completely take out a towns ability to monitor activity.

Agreed, this is a good idea. :)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I fear something like this would make it too difficult to travel through an enemies lands without being detected. Radars are a tricky one. The idea behind them is to give lesser abled pvpers or newer players a way to help their alliance and contribute by attacking radars instead of generators. While taking out the few radars around the edge of a towns territory is somewhat useful, it makes very little if any impact. Where as the ability to sneak around disabling most or all of a towns radars at least makes a bit of an impact. Perhaps we limit the number of radars each player can disable per day. Or make radars take longer to destroy/are destroyed in a different way. While your idea sounds great from a towns point of view, I think it harms the impact bad pvpers/newer players can have on conquest.


Staff member
Really I just want to be able to see whether or not a territory has a radar by looking at /c list. Not having a way to see if a radar is online without traveling thousands of block to check is pretty absurd.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps we limit the number of radars each player can disable per day. Or make radars take longer to destroy/are destroyed in a different way. While your idea sounds great from a towns point of view, I think it harms the impact bad pvpers/newer players can have on conquest.

The way you talk about it, it seems like you'd like to see smaller towns basically have the ability to harass bigger towns. Which I do like as an idea. Right now though, its just a bit too easy to harass and destroy a radar network.

Beyond your suggestions, making them larger(have more lamps) or take many more charges to destroy the single lamp. Also, you could imagine them having a single laser beam attack tower coming out of the top. Means you can't just sit around and attack you have to think it through a bit more.

Another idea is for radars to be disabled as opposed to destroyed. That way new ones don't need to be set up all the time but new towns can still aid larger towns by doing a radar disabling sweep through a territory. It could last like 3-4 hours and the only way a town could re-enable their radars would be by going back to the radar and fix it (basically just right click it and pay a small shard fee).