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Suggestion Radars (Landmines & CT)


Active Member
Personally I think there should be a few changes to radars & landmines.

- Landmines should be able to be disabled by breaking either the button or the block below the button. As it stands there is no way to remove them and can be grueling to destroy a radar with landmines around it.
- Landmines should scale with the number of blocks available. This is so this doesn't happen. Due to the tile being mostly water, mines are spammed on all blocks making it nearly untraversable.
- Inactive landmines should be destroyed upon destruction of the radar. There are buttons all over loka and some work while some don't, no point in keeping them if the module is gone.

- Radars should have sort of a combat tag to them so you cant change the mod while there under attack. The CT should start when a golem is attacked and end when the radar goes 15mins without being attacked. This is simply a balance change due to this.

EDIT: Im assuming this is a bug but its been abused for awhile now and I forgot to bring it up. But people who own the radar shouldn't be able to kill there own golems and steal the charges?
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Well-Known Member
+1 The fact that you can't atack radars passed someones vuln is a really good change but something that needs to be addressed is changing radar mods while its under attack for sure. Foggyfuit did big brain move but even when its 1 person going for a radar, if you can just mod landmines while they attacking kinda busted. I don't think landmines themselves should be nerfed other then the fact that they are more frequent in a tile if there is less blocks in a tile.

SMH guys i just realized blast prot exists shaking my head


Well-Known Member
Would have to agree. All these changes make sense and they aren't a huge nerf to anything imo. Maybe something that could be done for the swamp tiles is underwater land mines that'd sit either on the surface or in the middle of the water. Unsure what they might look like but ye.


Well-Known Member
+1 The fact that you can't atack radars passed someones vuln is a really good change but something that needs to be addressed is changing radar mods while its under attack for sure. Foggyfuit did big brain move but even when its 1 person going for a radar, if you can just mod landmines while they attacking kinda busted. I don't think landmines themselves should be nerfed other then the fact that they are more frequent in a tile if there is less blocks in a tile.

SMH guys i just realized blast prot exists shaking my head
If you watch the start of the video again, it still cost me conquest points from the alliance balance. I would much rather propose that you can swap the module with a timer until it activates. As of now, buying mods like protectors, landmines, spectral, etc, aren't worth ANYTHING. With a cost and a warning, you should be able to change a module on your radar. I think you're honestly blowing the "changing mods" thing out of proportion, considering the sheer amount of people you brought to that radar. If it's 4 or 5 people, I'd be more than willing to fight you for it, but not 20.
besides that, I agree, swamp tiles would be terrible to visit with landmines.
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Well-Known Member
- Landmines should scale with the number of blocks available. This is so this doesn't happen. Due to the tile being mostly water, mines are spammed on all blocks making it nearly untraversable.
- Inactive landmines should be destroyed upon destruction of the radar. There are buttons all over loka and some work while some don't, no point in keeping them if the module is gone.
I agree with these points above completely.

- Radars should have sort of a combat tag to them so you cant change the mod while there under attack. The CT should start when a golem is attacked and end when the radar goes 15mins without being attacked. This is simply a balance change due to this.
Not necessarily sure if I agree with this. I do think it makes things interesting when you can do crazy strategies such as froggy did when you bring a ridiculous amount of people. I think it is like a lot of things, you shouldn't be able to change it in combat like the balak race. However I think that it gives you an advantage to owning the territory which is intended. Overall think it is fun and interesting but I understand the frustration with this.


Well-Known Member
However I think that it gives you an advantage to owning the territory which is intended.
Yeah that is a good point. The whole reason that radars got updated was so that people would feel much more comfortable making the investment to place them, so yeah maybe it'd make sense to leave it.


Active Member
I think you're honestly blowing the "changing mods" thing out of proportion, considering the sheer amount of people you brought to that radar.
Its almost like there was a request to make radars during vuln times so that it was more competitive. In fact, you claimed your self that it should be more competitive. "+1 radar fights are fun and just getting free cash off them with 0 competition is stupid and very dumb". You completely contradict your self when you complain about 20 people showing to a radar after requesting it to only be attacked during vuln times(highly active hours)?

If it's 4 or 5 people, I'd be more than willing to fight you for it.
This I could understand, and that's why I didn't make this post at that time of the event, but this is seeming to become a new meta as this happened at a radar gank the day of this post again. The only difference being there was 5 of us instead of 20, clearly showing that the number of people is irrelevant.