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Suggestion Ranked queue window visible to all players


Hello Loka,

As a lot of you know, once you get past the rank of Emerald I in ranked queue you now have a window where you can queue and when you can't. This feature is great and makes it so people above Emerald I are more frequently to play against each other, lowering queue times. However, the fact that people (or at least people in Gold I and up) can't see it means that it is harder for them to queue against Emerald players, meaning it is harder to climb from Gold to Emerald. All in all, this addition to ranked would make for a more fluid and skill-accurate placement system and also server to lower queue times for Emerald I players by having Gold players more frequently queue them.

Thank you.

EDIT: Apolocheese turns out it's the same time every day (thank you Glory), but so this post is not entirely in vain could this information maybe be displayed in the /pvp ranked menu?
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Well-Known Member
it’s the same times everday 12 pm est and 5 pm est it’s open for like two houes


Well-Known Member
There is 2 queues for the most active times for NA and EU. Both are at 8PM timezone.